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Table of contents

  • Quick links
  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Running
  • Manifest

Quick links


This repository provides raw data and code for the paper "Timbral effects on consonance illuminate psychoacoustics of music evolution" by Marjieh, Harrison, Lee, Deligiannaki, & Jacoby (2022).

  • To load the software onto your computer, see 'Installation'.
  • To run the software, see 'Running'.
  • To access the raw data, see 'Manifest'.
  • To access the supplementary materials web interface, open supplementary.html.


There are two ways to load the software onto your computer. One is to use Docker. Docker is a tool for guaranteeing long-term reproducibility. It encapsulates the entire computing environment within a single image, including operating system and all dependencies. The Docker approach is good if you want to rerun analyses but you don't want to extend the code significantly yourself. Alternatively, you can take the renv approach. renv is more lightweight, and only provides a snapshot of the R packages used by the analyses, not the operating system or other dependencies. This makes less guarantees about reproducibility, but is the easier option if you want to extend the code yourself.


Note: Unfortunately the Docker approach doesn't support M1 Macs on account of their ARM64 architecture. This will hopefully be fixed by a future update to RStudio.

To install Docker, follow the official Docker instructions.

Next you need to acquire the Docker image. There are two ways to do this: from GitLab, or from a downloaded file. The former will generally be easiest, but the latter option is useful for reproducibility.

Docker from GitLab

  1. Pull the image from GitLab:
docker pull
  1. Run it:
docker run --rm -p -e DISABLE_AUTH=true -e ROOT=TRUE

Navigate to http://localhost:8787/ in your web browser. This should take you to an RStudio window hosting the analyses.

Docker from downloaded file

The starting point is a file of the form timbre-and-consonance-paper.tar.

You load the Docker file like this:

docker load < timbre-and-consonance-paper.tar

Note: the initial part of this docker load stage might take about a minute, without any progress bar or other status indications.

Then you launch a Docker container from it:

docker run --rm -p -e DISABLE_AUTH=true -e ROOT=TRUE timbre-and-consonance-paper

Note: You will probably see a message in the log that says

Authentication token manipulation error
chpasswd: (line 1, user rstudio) password not changed

Don't worry, this is normal.

Finally, navigate to http://localhost:8787/ in your web browser. This should take you to an RStudio window hosting the analyses.

Creating a Docker image from the Git repository

The following instructions are primarily intended for the papers' authors. You do not need to run them if you're just trying to reproduce the analyses.

You can create a Docker image from the Git repository by following these steps:

  1. Log into your Docker repository:
docker login
  1. Pull the image from the repository:
docker pull
  1. Tag it:
docker tag timbre-and-consonance-paper
  1. Save it to a tar file:
docker save timbre-and-consonance-paper -o ~/Downloads/timbre-and-consonance-paper.tar

Note: this docker save stage might take about a minute, without any progress bar or other status indications.


To install the project via renv, follow these steps:

  1. Install R:

  2. Install RStudio:

  3. Unzip the Supplementary Materials zip file, and open the project by double-clicking on timbre-and-consonance-paper.Rproj.

  4. Install renv: install.packages("renv")

  5. Run renv::restore() in your RStudio R console (see also 'Troubleshooting R package installation').

  6. Follow the instructions in 'Setting up your Python environment'.

Troubleshooting R package installation

When running this command on MacOS Big Sur, one may encounter the following error:

library not found for -lgfortran

If this happens, return to the R installation instructions and make sure you followed all the stated steps, in particular the instructions about installing external libraries so that you can build packages from source. If this doesn't work, you can try the following:

  1. Install Homebrew (follow these instructions).

  2. Install gcc.

brew install gcc
  1. Create an ~/.R folder, if it doesn't exist already.
mkdir ~/.R
  1. Create a Makevars file, if it doesn't exist already.
touch ~/.R/Makevars
  1. Add the following lines to Makevars:

You may need to update the FLIBS paths to match your current installation.

Test whether this worked by running the following command:

install.packages(c("Matrix", "nlme"), type = "source")

If it worked, you can try again with the renv initialisation:


Setting up your Python environment

Running the consonance models requires a Python 3 installation, as well as a few additional Python packages. You can skip this step as long as you don't want to run the 010-run-model-batches.R script, and will instead just work with pre-cached outputs. Otherwise:

  1. Download and install Python from the official website.

  2. Prepare a virtual environment in which to install praat-parselmouth. One recommended way is as follows (instructions for Mac, run one line at a time in your Terminal):

pip3 install virtualenv
pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=$(which python3)
source $(which
mkvirtualenv parselmouth --python $(which python3)
echo "export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=$(which python3)" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "source $(which" >> ~/.zshrc

For Linux you will probably want to replace ~/.zshrc with ~/.bashrc.

Install the required Python packages in the virtual environment (make sure you have navigated to the project's root directory):

workon parselmouth
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

There is a line in src/ConsonanceModel.R which sets RETICULATE_PYTHON. You need to update this to the location of your Python executable, as it depends on the virtual environment system you use and the version of Python you have.

Cloning the repository from Git

If you wish to download this repository via Git instead of working via the Supplementary Materials, you must install git LFS, an add-on for Git that supports the usage of large files. Please follow the instructions on the official website to accomplish this.


The following section assumes that you have RStudio open, launched either via Docker or via the renv instructions above.

How do I rerun all the analyses and recreate all the plots?

Delete the output directory and rerun the files in output/scripts (for example, by opening them in RStudio, and clicking 'Source' for each one) in numeric ascending order. Note that 010-run-model-batches.R may take a few hours (~ 6?) depending on the speed of your computer (more cores is better).

How do I recreate the supplementary materials web page?

Open supplementary.Rmd in RStudio then press the 'Knit' button.

How do I access the main outputs for further data analyses?

Navigate to output/batches/ and find the RDS file(s) corresponding to your data of interest. Load these into R using readRDS, and explore the files in your R console, hopefully you find what you need there. In many cases you will also find analogous csv files, which you can read with R or with an alternative program. As long as you're happy working with these pregenerated analyses, you can get going right away with the files as provided in the Supplementary Materials version of the project, without having to run the time-consuming 6-hour analysis script.


input/ - Contains the input data files.

media/ - Contains a few media files used to illustrate certain concepts.

output/ - Contains the outputs generated from the analysis scripts. By default many of these outputs are cached. To regenerate all outputs from scratch, delete this folder and rerun the analysis scripts (in scripts).

output/audio-examples - Contains some audio examples.

output/batches/ - Contains the main analysis outputs (consonance models, smoothed behavioral data) for the different experiments under consideration. Some of the files are rds files, which can be read into R using readRDS(). Some are csv files, which can be read using read.csv.

output/illustrations - Contains some illustrations.

output/plots - Contains the generated plots as well as some accompanying summar csv files.

run-all-analyses.R - Convenience script that runs all the analysis scripts in sequence. Will take a while to run!

Note: when running this script, we have occasionally observed an error of the following form:

Error in x %>% data.table::rbindlist() %>% { : object 'digits' not found 

This error seems to be something to do with the multiprocessing code. Curiously, simply rerunning the script has been sufficient for bypassing the error in our case. Note that the caching means that the code should pick up more or less where it left off.

scripts/ - Contains scripts to be sourced in R using source().

scripts/stimulus-generation/ - Contains scripts for stimulus generation.

scripts/analysis/ - Contains scripts for stimulus generation. These scripts are intended to be run in numeric order.

scripts/analysis/010-run-model-batches.R - Performs the time-consuming analyses and saves the results to output/batches/. Some of the files are rds files, which can be read into R using readRDS(). Some are csv files, which can be read using read.csv. The results are cached, and by default the computations will not be rerun if the output files exist already. To trigger rerunning of a given analysis, delete the corresponding folder from output/batches.

See above for discussion of a possible error here, concerning the following error message:

Error in x %>% data.table::rbindlist() %>% { : object 'digits' not found

scripts/clear-behavioral-output.R - A helper script that deletes all the outputs of the behavioral analyses in output/batches, so that they will be regenerated from scratch in the next call to scripts/analysis/010-run-model-batches.R.

scripts/illustrations/ - Contains some scripts for creating illustrations.

src/ - Source code used by the files in scripts/.

renv/ - renv automatically maintains an isolated R package library for this project, separated from your global R installation, and stored in this folder.

renv.lock - Tabulates the R dependencies for the project.

requirements.txt - Tabulates the Python dependencies.

supplementary.Rmd - An RMarkdown file that, when run, generates the supplementary materials webpage (supplementary.html).