k8s_lab with terrform/k3s/kind/minikube...etc tools to deploy an mini cluster on Proxmox VE for development.
- kubectl rollout
- kubectl cp
- kubectl diff
- kubectl debug
- netshoot: a Docker + Kubernetes network trouble-shooting swiss-army container
- Need some explaination of kubectl stdin and pipe
- Why dig does not resolve K8s service by dns name while nslookup has no problems with it?
- Workloads
- Persistent Volumes
- Access Modes
- uchan/Installation
- k8s NFS Output: mount.nfs: Operation not permitted
- I was trying to create a pvc with RWX access mode in the kind cluster. I see an error that it is not supported.
- Enable Simulation of automatically provisioned ReadWriteMany PVs
- docker Language-specific guides
- DNS for Services and Pods
- Service type
- k8s/components
- rbac
- install-bash-auto-completion
- Spring Cloud for Microservices Compared to Kubernetes
- Re: [請益] 雲端技術是Java工程師的必備技能嗎
- 架構師觀點: 你需要什麼樣的 CI / CD ?
- 如何读懂火焰图? Flamegraph
- container runtime/engine, just choose one for kind
- kind
- kubectl
- kustomize
- fzf
- kubie
- k9s
- k3s
- just
- Just a command runner
- just is a handy way to save and run project-specific commands.
- Just a command runner
k3s on proxmox witg terrform
- setup a kind cluster
bash scripts/kind/setup.sh
- Setting Up An Ingress Controller
bash scripts/kind/ingress-nginx.sh
- Test
bash scripts/kind/test.sh
- Ingress NGINX Controller
- metrics-server
- fluentbit
- Reloader
- gitlab runner
- emqx-operator
- Specify secrets for listeners TLS certificates
- SSL/TLS TLS termination proxy part
- nacos
- discovery each node nacos cluster mode
- Kubernetes Nacos
- nacos-k8s
- kubevirt
- RabbitMQ
- prometheus
- ELK(Elastic Search/Logstash/Kibana) stack or EFK(Elastic Search/fluentbit/Kibana) stack
#For test metrics-server
kubectl top nodes
kubectl top pods
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