hubot-twitter-userstream is an adapter for Hubot that allows you to use the hubot with Twitter on user TL.
It differs from hubot-twitter...
- It can watch user timeline.
- It can receive and send direct message.
- It can follow and remove users.
- It can receive some events(favorited, followed, ...).
$ hubot --create myhubot
$ cd myhubot
$ npm install hubot-twitter-userstream --save && npm install
At first, you will need to set some API keys.
$ export HUBOT_TWITTER_KEY="key"
$ export HUBOT_TWITTER_SECRET="secret"
$ export HUBOT_TWITTER_TOKEN="token"
Properties of received message.
id: <status_id>,
user: {id: <user_id>, name: <screen_name>, room: <"Twitter" or "TwitterDirectMessage"> },
text: <body of message>,
data: <raw object of tweet or direct message>
favorited - {user: <user object of favorited user>, tweet: <favorited tweet>}
unfavorited - {user: <user object of unfavorited user>, tweet: <unfavorited tweet>}
followed - {user: <user object of followed user>}
unfollowed - {user: <user object of followed user>}
Copyright(c) 2014 hoo89
This source licensed under the MIT license.