This is a script to find solutions for the card game Set. It works by creating permuations on each card and then recursively testing 3-card sequences. This script is somewhat specialized to Set (3 choices along 4 dimensions), but could be extended to any m-by-n dimensional pattern matcher.
The deck is represented in a text file with one card per line, each line w/ 4 characters in sequence according to above vector layout, and with some combination of the following abbreviations:
1 r(ed) b(lank) d(iamond)
2 g(reen) c(rosshatch) s(quiggle)
3 p(urple) f(ill) o(val)
e.g., a card with 2 solid red squiggles is 2rfs
Each card is represented internally as a 4D matrix, with the dimensions representing (in order)
<count, color, content, shape>
with each dimension having a value in {0,1,2}
To use the script, make a file with your deck in it, one card per line, e.g.:
Then run it on the command line via
>> python ./setsolve.py deck.txt
The parser is none too smart, but this should do it.