Skyweaver trading card smart contracts built on Ethereum. Skyweaver cards follow the ERC-1155 token standard.
Skyweaver assets and market are in production on the Polygon mainnet as of Nov 25, 2021. The production contract address are:
Skyweaver Assets (aka the Skyweaver cards): 0x631998e91476DA5B870D741192fc5Cbc55F5a52E
Skyweaver Niftyswap Exchange (aka Skyweaver Market): 0x8ea1792998ca57b736a849e84bddb967e3eab194
NOTE: Prior to Dec 21, 2023, the Skyweaver Market was on Niftyswap contract 0x8bb759bb68995343ff1e9d57ac85ff5c5fb79334, and after this date moved to the new/current contract as mentioned above, to migrate from USDC.e liquidity pools to USDC liqudity pools.
NOTE: Prior to Sept 22, 2022 the Skyweaver Market was on Niftyswap contract 0x9B609Bf3A3977Ee7254210E0A0D835251540c4D5, and after this date moved to the new/current contract as mentioned above to the latest version of Niftyswap.
yarn add @horizongames/skyweaver-contracts
or npm install @horizongames/skyweaver-contracts
- SkyWeaverAssets.sol: Implementation of ERC-1155 that keeps track of all the users' Skyweaver asset balance and contains all the token functions. Assets can include cards, cosmetics, etc.
- SWSupplyManager.sol: This contract controls the tokens minting permissions and supply parameters. The supply manager keeps track of which factory contract can which which token id and what if the maximum supply of a given token id, if any. Factories can be added or removed and they can be granted permissions to mint some token ids.
Factories are contracts that will submit minting request to the Asset Supply Manager. Factories contain the minting logic for different token ids.
SilverCardsFactory.sol: Allows players to purchase any silver card for a fixed price.
FreemintFactory.sol: Allows owner to mint any tokens within a given range. This factory will be used to mint communiy related assets, special even assets that are meant to be given away.
This repository is configured as a yarn workspace, and has multiple pacakge.json files. Specifically, we have the root ./package.json for the development environment, contract compilation and testing. Contract source code and distribution files are packaged in "src/package.json".
To release a new version, make sure to bump the version, tag it, and run yarn release
. The release
will publish the @horizongames/skyweaver-contracts
package in the "src/" folder, separate from the root package. The advantage
here is that application developers who consume @horizongames/skyweaver-contracts
aren't required to install any of the devDependencies
in their toolchains as our build and contract packages are separated.
Copyright (c) 2017-present Horizon Blockchain Games Inc.
Licensed under Apache-2.0