Collects GPU metrics from launched GPU-Z utility via shared memory and sends these metrics to InfluxDB endpoint.
Currently, it collects following metrics:
- GPU Clock (MHz)
- Memory Clock (MHz)
- GPU Temperature (Celsius degrees)
- Hot Spot (Celsius degrees)
- GPU Power (Watts)
- GPU Load (%)
- GPU Voltage (Volts)
- CPU Temperature (Celsius degrees)
- Memory Used (MB)
To use this exporter you need to specify some flags:
-a - InfluxDB HTTP endpoint. Default: http://localhost:8086
-u - InfluxDB username. Default: empty
-p - InfluxDB password. Default: empty
-n - namespace for metrics ("measurement" in InfluxDB terminology). Default: gpuz
-d - database for metrics. Default: monitoring
-i - interval in seconds between metrics collecting. Default: 60s
-h - hostname of working machine (if you need to change hostname of current machine). Default: OS hostname
gpuz-influxdb-exporter.exe -a http://localhost:8086 -u someuser -p somepassword -n gpuz -d monitoring -i 60