awesome 4 widget that provides a global titlebar with buttons for closing, un/maximising completely/vertically/horizontally, + toggling ontop, sticky, + floating. The buttons also serve as indicators for the corresponding client property
All elements're optional + can be arranged as you like
git clone ~/.config/awesome/fenetre
awful.rules.rules = {
{ rule_any = { type = { "dialog", "normal" } }, properties = { titlebars_enabled = false } },
local fenetre = require("fenetre")
local titlebar = fenetre { }
Then add it to your wibar
Argument | Use | Type | Default |
order |
Elements to create + order to show them in | table of strings | { "close", "max", "ontop", "sticky", "floating", "separator", "title" } |
rotation |
If set to left or right the elements're arranged for a vertical wibar + the title's rotated facing left or right. If not set to left or right they're arranged for a horizontal wibar |
string | None |
clickable |
Allow clicking the buttons to change the corresponding client property | boolean | true |
icons_path |
Where to look for the icons to use | string | path_to_widget/icons/ |
close_icon |
Path of image to use for the close button | string | icons_path/close.xpm |
ontop_icon |
Path of image to use for the ontop button when the client's ontop | string | icons_path/ontop.xpm |
ontop_off_icon |
Path of image to use for the ontop button when the client's not ontop | string | icons_path/ontop_off.xpm |
sticky_icon |
Path of image to use for the sticky button when the client's sticky | string | icons_path/sticky.xpm |
sticky_off_icon |
Path of image to use for the sticky button when the client's not sticky | string | icons_path/sticky_off.xpm |
floating_icon |
Path of image to use for the floating button when the client's floating | string | icons_path/floating.xpm |
floating_off_icon |
Path of image to use for the floating button when the client's not floating | string | icons_path/floating_off.xpm |
max_icon |
Path of image to use for the maximise button when the client's fully maximised | string | icons_path/max.xpm |
max_horizontal_icon |
Path of image to use for the maximise button when the client's only horizontally maximised | string | icons_path/max_horizontal.xpm |
max_vertical_icon |
Path of image to use for the maximise button when the client's only vertically maximised | string | icons_path/max_vertical.xpm |
max_off_icon |
Path of image to use for the maximise button when the client's not maximised | string | icons_path/max_off.xpm |
mouse_button |
Mouse button to use for clicking | number | 1 |
max_vert_button |
Mouse button to use for toggle un/maximising the client vertically using the maximise button. If set to Shift or Control or Alt or Mod4 , then mouse_button plus the specified key're used together |
number or string | 2 |
max_horiz_button |
Mouse button to use for toggle un/maximising the client horizontally. If set to Shift or Control or Alt or Mod4 , then mouse_button plus the specified key're used together |
number or string | 3 |
title_edit |
Function to use to edit the title | function | None |
separator |
Text to use as a separator | string | " " |
The title and separator's font's controlled by the value of theme.font in the awesome theme
The title colour's controlled by 1 of the following, listed in order of precedence: theme.titlebar_fg_focus, theme.fg_focus
The separator's colour's controlled by 1 of the following, listed in order of precedence: theme.titlebar_separator, theme.titlebar_fg_focus, theme.fg_focus
The default icons're included in xpm format for easy customisation. You can quickly change the colours using bash/zsh, sed, + imagemagick:
cd path_to_widget/icons
sed -i "s,#7ED68D,new_colour," {close,max_vertical,*_off}.xpm
sed -i "s,white,new_colour," {ontop,sticky,floating,max}.xpm
The default icons were originally sourced from + are the same designs except for the ontop icons, which were slightly modified
Icons licence: BY-NC-SA
local titlebar = fenetre {
title_edit = function()
-- Remove " - Mozilla Firefox" from the ends of firefox's titles
local firefox = " - Mozilla Firefox"
local pri_brow = firefox .. " (Private Browsing)"
if title:sub(-firefox:len()) == firefox or title:sub(-pri_brow:len()) == pri_brow then
title = title:gsub(" %- Mozilla Firefox", "")
order = { "max", "ontop", "sticky", "floating", "title" }
local titlebar = fenetre {
max_vert_button = "Shift",
max_horiz_button = "Control",
order = { "max", "ontop", "sticky", "floating", "title" }
local titlebar = fenetre {
rotation = "right",
max_vert_button = "Shift",
max_horiz_button = "Control",
title_edit = function()
if title == "calc" then title = "calculator" end
title = title:upper()
order = { "title", "separator", "ontop", "sticky", "floating", "max" }
local titlebar = fenetre {
clickable = false,
separator = "|",
order = { "title", "separator", "max", "separator", "ontop", "separator", "sticky", "separator", "floating" }
local titlebar = fenetre {
mouse_button = 5,
order = { "title", "separator", "max", "floating", "ontop", "sticky", "close" }
local titlebar = fenetre {
rotation = "left",
clickable = false,
icons_path = theme.dir .. "icons/",
order = { "sticky", "floating", "ontop" }
local titlebar = fenetre {
rotation = "right",
max_vert_button = 3,
max_horiz_button = 2,
ontop_icon = file_name,
ontop_off_icon = file_name,
sticky_icon = file_name,
sticky_off_icon = file_name,
max_icon = file_name,
max_vertical_icon = file_name,
max_off_icon = file_name,
order = { "title", "max", "ontop", "sticky" }