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Obsidian Markline

This is fork of Markline, show timeline view from markdown in Obsidian editor.


  • Show timeline view in Obsidian Editor with markline code blockquote.
  • Add markline code blockquote by command.



Community plugins:

Click link to install.


  1. Menu: Obsidian -> Perferences...
  2. If "Restricted mode" is off, click "Turn on community plugins" button.
  3. Click "Browser" button.
  4. Search "Markline".
  5. Open and click "Install" -> "Enable" button.

Manual installation:

  1. Unzip the latest release into your <vault>/.obsidian/plugins/markline folder.
  2. Reload
  3. Enable the plugin in the settings of community plugins section.

You can also use the BRAT plugin to install the latest release.


# My Documnet Title

## group name (optional)

- 2023 A full year event.
  - 2023-01~2023-03 subevent
  - 2023-05~2023-08 subevent 2
- 2023-01 month event name.
- 2023-01-02 event name with [link](

## another group

- 2013 another list item.
- 2013-05-05 yet another list item.


Markdown is so easy, and so powerful, you can use it to build the timeline graph.

Markline use subsets of markdown now:


* 1986 for year.
* 1986/06 for month.
* 1986/06/28 is a good day.
* 1986-06-28 you also can use this date format.

Date Ranges

* 2012~2014 year to year.
* 2012~2014/02 year to year.
* 1986/06/28~1986/08/14 from date to another date.
* 2012~ year to now.


# title

## h2 group name
### h3 group name
#### h4 group name
##### h5 group name
###### h6 group name


Between title and group or lines, we can set meta data in markdown by key-value pair.

# title

- age: show
- date: 2014/01/01
- author: @hotoo
- mention:{@mention}


# Group 1

* 2014 line 1.

Now we support meta data:

  • age: show age after year in top header line. default is hide, if want show, set:

    - age: show
  • mention: set mention enable, and mention base url. default mention is disable.

    # @Mention Demo
    - mention:{@mention}
    - 2014 @hotoo mention @lizzie

    {@mention} is placeholder for mention name.

  • hashtag and colors: direct use #FF0000 or hashtag custom tags styles.

    # #HashTag Demo
    - tags:
      - #tag-name: background-color, text-color
      - #life: yellow, #f00
      - #job: rgb(255,255,255), rgba(255,0,0,0.5)
      - #some-tag: red
    - 2014 this is my #life
    - 2023 this line color is red #f00
    ## Group #F00
    - 2023 all events in this group is red.
    - 2023 red line.
    ## Group #F00 #0F0
    - 2023 all events in this group is red bar and green text.
    - 2023 red bar and green text.

following meta data support come soon.

  • theme: set different theme, by build-in theme name, or theme css file url.

    - theme: light
    - theme:
  • year-length: set date column width.

  • date-type: show date type by year, month, or date

  • author: set author information.


* 2014 list item
  * 2014/01 sub list item

- 2014 another list item
  - 2014/01 another sub list item


for anonymous group.

* 2014 line 1


* 2015 line 2


* 2014 this is a [link](url)
* 2014 this is a [[inner link]]


* 2014 this is an image: ![alt](image-url)
* 2014 this is an internal image: ![[image file]]


* 2014 this is **strong** text.
* 2014 this is __another strong__ text.


* 2014 this is _emphasized_ text.
* 2014 this is *another emphasized* text.


* 2014 this is ~delete~ text.
* 2014 this is ~~another delete~~ text.

Want more markdown syntax feature? make issues, fork and pull request.
