Releases: hotwax/press-release-faq
Releases ยท hotwax/press-release-faq
05.23 Long Island Iced Tea
04.23 Strawberry Matcha
What's Changed
PRs released this week ๐ข
- New PR Security permissions in apps by @Shreyaakothari in #100
- New PR OMS API NPM packages by @Shreyaakothari in #101
Other changes
Full Changelog: 01.03...01.04
03.23 Strawberry Matcha
What's Changed
Other changes
- Added new set of FAQs by @Shreyaakothari in #98
- Updated formatting by @Shreyaakothari in #97
Full Changelog: 01.02...01.03
02.23 Strawberry Matcha
What's Changed
PRs released this week ๐ข
- New PR App logs by @Shreyaakothari in #92
- New PR BOPIS backorder by @Shreyaakothari in #93
- New PR Default restock location by @Shreyaakothari in #94
- New PR Unify pre-order and backorder listing-delisting by @Shreyaakothari in #95
Other changes
- Edited exclude pre-order queue items press release. by @Dhiraj1405 in #96
New Contributors
- @Dhiraj1405 made their first contribution in #96
Full Changelog: 01.01...01.02
01.23 Strawberry Matcha
What's Changed
PRs released this week ๐ข
- New PR Initiate and receive returns by @Shreyaakothari in #81
Other changes
- Added customer and internal quotes by @Shreyaakothari in #82
Full Changelog: 52.22...01.01
52.22 Christmas Martini
What's Changed
PRs released this week ๐ข
- New PR Kit products by @Shreyaakothari in #78
Other changes
- Added new set of FAQs by @Shreyaakothari in #79
- Updated formatting for FAQs by @Shreyaakothari in #80
Full Changelog: 51.22...52.22
51.22 Christmas Martini
What's Changed
PRs released this week ๐ข
- Add new PR BOPIS item cart abandonment by @Shreyaakothari in #74
- Add new PR Order Grouping during fulfillment by @Shreyaakothari in #73
- Add new PR exclude pre-order queue items by @Shreyaakothari in #72
- New PR reserve-inventory-to-disable-committed-inventory-computation by @Shreyaakothari in #76
- New PR by @Shreyaakothari in #77
Other changes
- Create release.yml by @Shreyaakothari in #75
Full Changelog: 50.22...51.22
50.22 Christmas Martini
First release of HotWax Press Release FAQs. This contains many released features and some upcoming features.
From now on there will be weekly releases of PR FAQs by week number and year.
What's Changed
- Soft allocation by @dt2patel in #11
- added re-routefulfillment PR FAQ by @dt2patel in #6
- Change to OReSA (Updated) by @Shreyaakothari in #17
- Draft financial auditing PR FAQ by @dt2patel in #12
- Added FAQs by @Shreyaakothari in #20
- Configurable brokering by @Shreyaakothari in #18
- Miscellaneous jobs in job manager by @Shreyaakothari in #19
- Changes in name by @Shreyaakothari in #21
- added FAQs for pre-order inventory by @Shreyaakothari in #22
- save CSV maps for POs by @Shreyaakothari in #23
- add by @Shreyaakothari in #24
- Rephrase cycle count by @Shreyaakothari in #26
- Rename to by @Shreyaakothari in #25
- Rename to by @Shreyaakothari in #27
- add by @Shreyaakothari in #28
- add new PR by @Shreyaakothari in #29
- Add new PR Shopify GraphQL API log auditing by @Shreyaakothari in #38
- Add new PR ShipT integration by @Shreyaakothari in #39
- Add new PR bulk push pre-order catalog to shopify by @Shreyaakothari in #40
- Add new PR webhook based shopify graphql file processing speed by @Shreyaakothari in #41
- Add new PR BOPIS Push Notifications by @Shreyaakothari in #42
- Fixed typo by @adityasharma7 in #43
- Bulk scheduling jobs by @Shreyaakothari in #49
- Add new PR audit and correct Shopify pre order details from HotWax by @Shreyaakothari in #50
- Generic webhook support by @Shreyaakothari in #51
- updated shipt to ShipT by @Shreyaakothari in #55
- added q&a by @Shreyaakothari in #57
- Add new PR advanced job parameters by @Shreyaakothari in #52
- Add new PR custom date format in PO upload by @Shreyaakothari in #53
- Add new PR identify duplicate PO ID by @Shreyaakothari in #59
- added URL for Luxon date time format by @Shreyaakothari in #69
- Fixed typo by @Shreyaakothari in #70
- Add new PR manually resend ready for pick up email by @Shreyaakothari in #71
New Contributors
- @dt2patel made their first contribution in #11
- @Shreyaakothari made their first contribution in #17
- @adityasharma7 made their first contribution in #43
Full Changelog: