This notebook is a demonstration of the pysynphot2d
wrapper which vectorizes the functionality of pysynphot
so that it supports 2D spectra.
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pysynphot as ps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pysynphot2d import psp2d
Just pass a 1D wavelength array and 2D flux array to psp2d.ArraySpectra
as you would pass a 1D flux array to pysynphot.ArraySpectrum
Here's a simple example with some toy data:
# Dummy data
wave = np.linspace(4000,8000,20)
flux = np.arange(100).reshape(5,20)
toy2D = psp2d.ArraySpectra(wave, flux)
# Take a look
for spec in toy2D.spectra:
plt.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux)
Now let's do some method calls as we would for a pysynphot.ArraySpectrum
# Sample each spectrum at the given wavelength
sampled_spectra = toy2D.sample(6789)
Samples: [ 13.24775 33.24775 53.24775 73.24775 93.24775]
# Renormalize each spectrum to the given magnitude
V_band = ps.ObsBandpass('johnson,v')
renormed_spectra = toy2D.renorm(17, 'vegamag', V_band)
# Take a look
for spec in renormed_spectra:
plt.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux)
That's it! Try your favorite pysynphot
methods on your new psp2d.ArraySpectra
objects (and let me know if it breaks!).
Just pass your psp2d.ArraySpectra
object to psp2d.Observations
along with a pysynphot.ObsBandpass
as you would pass pysynphot.ArraySpectrum
to pysynphot.Observation
# Dummy observations
obs2d = psp2d.Observations(toy2D, V_band)
# Take a look
for spec in obs2d.spectra:
plt.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux)
(/grp/hst/cdbs/comp/nonhst/johnson_v_004_syn.fits) does not have a defined binset in the wavecat table. The waveset of the spectrum will be used instead.
(/grp/hst/cdbs/comp/nonhst/johnson_v_004_syn.fits) does not have a defined binset in the wavecat table. The waveset of the spectrum will be used instead.
(/grp/hst/cdbs/comp/nonhst/johnson_v_004_syn.fits) does not have a defined binset in the wavecat table. The waveset of the spectrum will be used instead.
(/grp/hst/cdbs/comp/nonhst/johnson_v_004_syn.fits) does not have a defined binset in the wavecat table. The waveset of the spectrum will be used instead.
(/grp/hst/cdbs/comp/nonhst/johnson_v_004_syn.fits) does not have a defined binset in the wavecat table. The waveset of the spectrum will be used instead.
That's it! Enjoy and let me know when it breaks!