This is where I will I will keep any resources around my MakeUC presentation.
Obtain a free Opensky Network login and add those credentials to the opensky-config.json for local use. You can use their api without a login, but with some added restrictions.
I did all this work using Visual Studio Code and NodeJs 16.14.2LTS. (Though earlier versions should work) NodeJs can be installed from their website or by using a Node Version Manager.
Each "step" is meant to be opened as its own workspace in VSCode. You can use the included *.code-workspace files.
Install dependencies from NPM by coping the following into VSCode's terminal.
npm install --save typescript ts-node opensky-api treeify aviation-math
npm install --save-dev @types/node
Once in the respective workspace type the following into the terminal.
npm run makeuc
- The OpenSky Network, for their excellent and free api.
- Raed for his OpenSky-API NPM package. It saved me a tremendous amount of time while putting together these resources.