Package for extracting values from a config.
Built-in validation for error checking:
- Detects missing mandatory items.
- Optional scalar values can be assigned default values.
- Maximum and/or minimum limits can be specified for integer values.
- Permitted strings can be specified to restrict possible string values.
- Leading and trailing whitespace in strings removed by default.
- Multiple whitespace in strings replaced with a single space by default.
- Empty and blank strings rejected by default.
- Empty list values are accepted by default. Defaults can be changed.
- Unexpected items in the config can be detected.
Configs can contain logger levels for use with the Dart logging package.
Does not use Dart annotations, so programs can be compiled with dart2native.
Example config:
name: "Example"
description: "An example config"
host: "localhost"
port: 8080
tls: true
Program to read the example config:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:strict_config/strict_config.dart';
class ExampleConfig {
ExampleConfig(ConfigMap m) {
name = m.string('name');
desc = m.stringOptional('description', keepWhitespace: true);
server = ServerConfig('server'));
late String name;
String? desc; // optional
late ServerConfig server;
class ServerConfig {
factory ServerConfig(ConfigMap m) {
final host = m.string('host');
final tls = m.boolean('tls', defaultValue: true);
final port =
m.integer('port', min: 1, max: 65535, defaultValue: tls ? 443 : 80);
return ServerConfig._init(host, tls, port);
ServerConfig._init(, this.tls, this.port);
String host;
bool tls;
int port;
void main(List<String> args) {
final filename = args.isNotEmpty ? args.first : 'example.conf';
try {
final text = File(filename).readAsStringSync();
final config = ExampleConfig(ConfigMap(text));
print('Name: ${}');
if (config.desc != null) {
print('Description: ${config.desc}');
print('Host: ${}');
print('TLS: ${config.server.tls}');
print('Port: ${config.server.port}');
} on ConfigException catch (e) {
stderr.write('Error: $filename: $e\n');
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
stderr.write('Error: ${e.path}: ${e.message}\n');
The above example demonstrates two conventions for dealing with null
safety. The ExampleConfig class uses late
non-nullable members for
mandatory items, and nullable members for optional items. The
ServerConfig class uses a factory constructor, so all mandatory
members are non-nullable (and don't need to be late).
Create a ConfigMap
from the text representation of a config. The
text is usually from a config file.
Extract expected values from config maps using the extraction methods.
- For mandatory scalar values, use
. - For optional scalar values, use
. - For values which are config maps, use
. - For values which are lists use
. - If the list is optional, use
Use unusedKeysCheck
to check a config map for unexpected keys.
See the API reference for details.
A config is a config map at the top-level.
A config map is an unordered collection of zero or more key-value pairs.
The keys are case-sensitive strings. Within the context of each config map, the keys must be unique.
The values must be one of these types:
- boolean: true or false
- integers
- strings: optionally enclosed in double quotes
- config maps
- list of booleans
- list of integers
- list of strings
- list of config maps
A subset of YAML is used as the syntax of a config.
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.