Installs the monasca-persister part of the Monasca project.
There are two implementations of the persister, one Java based and one Python based. This will install the Java based one by default. To install
the python persister rather than the java version set the variable monasca_persister_java
to False.
##Java Requirements
Requires Variables be defined for:
- zookeeper_hosts - A comma seperated list of kafka hosts with optional port
- kafka_hosts - A comma seperated list of kafka hosts with optional port
- influxdb_url
- influxdb_user
- influxdb_password
##Python Requirements
Requires Variables be defined for:
- zookeeper_hosts - A comma seperated list of kafka hosts with optional port
- kafka_hosts - A comma seperated list of kafka hosts with optional port
- influxdb_host
- influxdb_user
- influxdb_password
- run_mode: One of Deploy, Stop, Install, Configure or Start. The default is Deploy which will do Install, Configure, then Start.
##Example Playbook
hosts: monasca
sudo: yes
- {role: tkuhlman.monasca-persister,
kafka_hosts: "{{kafka_hosts}}",
zookeeper_hosts: "{{zookeeper_hosts}}",
influxdb_url: "http://{{mini_mon_host}}:8086",
influxdb_user: "{{persister_influxdb_user}}",
influxdb_password: "{{persister_influxdb_password}}",
tags: [persister]}
##Running with Vertica
To run with vertica you must pass in the change the variable database_type to vertica in defaults or add it in the call to the role. You can also pass in the url of your vertica database and the username/password for the monasca-persister. These do default to values if not passed in. Setting the username and password would talk the form of:
- username: mon_persister
password: password
role: monasca_persister
##License Apache
##Author Information Tim Kuhlman Monasca Team email monasca@lists.launchpad.net