This is an interactive Ruby on Rails 5 exercise, based partly on the "Getting Started with Rails" guide. Interactivity is provided by opening issues in the GitHub issue tracker (through a CI server) that contain instructions on what tasks to tackle next.
We prepared an application stub of an academic paper management system for you that has a failing test case.
Follow these steps to complete the software and the exercise:
- Log-in to Travis CI and enable automatic builds for your exercise repository (add the hpi-swt2-exercise group to the list on the left and flip the switch)
- Ensure that the issue tracker of the repository is active. This can be done in the repository's "Settings" tab.
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Change into the newly created directoy
- Inside the directory, check the used Ruby version using
ruby --version
. It should be2.5.0
. Other Ruby versions might work, but this is the one that was tested. - If the correct Ruby version is not used, install a ruby version manager, for example rbenv using the instructions for rbenv installation and ruby-build installation.
- WARNING: If you already have the Ruby version manager RVM installed, please use that or uninstall it prior to rbenv installation, as the two version managers are incompatible.
- Install Ruby version 2.5.0 with
rbenv install 2.5.0
(this might take a few minutes, as Ruby is being compiled) - The
file in the repository instructs the ruby version manager to use the correct version.
- Install Virtualbox (the VM provider) and Vagrant (to manage VMs) for your platform.
- Run these commands in the root directory of your cloned repository to download and the prepare the VM image:
vagrant up # download the image and start the VM
vagrant ssh # connect via ssh
cd hpi-swt2
mkdir -p "$(rbenv root)"/plugins && git clone "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build
rbenv install 2.5.0 #install current ruby
ruby --version # check that 2.5.0 is being used
bundle install # install dependencies
exit # restarting the session for changes to take effect
- To start the development server:
vagrant ssh #connect with VM
cd hpi-swt2
rails s -b 0 #starting rails server, the -b part is necessary since the app is running in a VM and would otherwise drop the requests coming from the host OS
- By default, the application is served on port 3000: http://localhost:3000/
- Edits to files in the local folder will be mirrored into the VM's
folder as the folders are synced. - We recommend you open one terminal session that runs the development server and another one to execute commands on the machine (e.g. running tests) or use of a terminal multiplexer. Then you do not have to restart the server after each command.
- Run
bundle install
to install the dependencies of the project (they are stored in theGemfile
) - Run
rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development && rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
to migrate the database - Run
to run the tests (RSpec is a test framework for Ruby) - Try to get the failing test green.
- When you are done and the test passes, push your changes.
- Travis CI will now try to build and test your project.
- You will be notified of problems or new exercise work items via GitHub issues on your repository.
- While you wait, see if your code can use some refactorings, continue reading the tutorial, or plan the next steps.
- Write a new test that documents the missing or failing behavior.
- Commit the failing test and reference the issue.
- The commit message could be
Failing test for #<ISSUE NUMBER>
. - There is no need to push the failing commit.
- The commit message could be
- Fix the issue and make your test pass. Then commit the changes.
- While an issue is open, the exercise will create comments on the issue, notifying you of errors
- The beginning of this exercise is designed to be solved while reading the official Rails tutorial
- Run
rspec spec/<path_to_spec>.rb
to only run one set of specs - Have a look at
to get inspiration for your data model - Besides generators and scaffolds, associations and validations are needed
- Occasionally start up the server (
rails s
) and have a look at the app in your browser - Look at the Mockup: (author selection uses a multiple select in this version of the exercise)
rails db:drop && rails db:migrate
deletes the database and recreates it. This might be helpful for error recovery.- Make sure that all local changes are committed (
git status
) and pushed to the upstream repository (i.e., the one on GitHub) before the deadline