my gitpod of edge impulse
Note: I am only maintaining the Arduino section, specifically for the Portenta Pro Family of boards and shields
The other sections work with varying levels of success.
Make this most uptodate Gitpod by clicking the follwoing link (Need a Github login)
For fun I am going to try to include the openMV installation from I hope it doesn't break what I already have working.
The basic concept is that the folders in /edge-impulse/local-build-firmware/ will have specific folders for the different edge impulse builds. Inside those folders should be a bash file that can walk through a typical edge impulse example local build.
Pre-build (faster to load) on March 10th 2021, but may have some issues
Test the installation with
arduino-cli version
west --version
mbed-cli --version
make --version
arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
Presently may have to run these commands if re-openning a gitpod
cd /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew &&
curl -fsSL | sh &&
python3 -m pip install mbed-cli west pyserial==3.4 inquirer==2.7.0 &&
./ &&
Note: Find folders with
find / -type d -iname "project.images" -ls
Find files with
find / -iname "" -ls
Make file tutorial
Note: Other useful commands
arduino-cli lib examples RPC
arduino-cli lib search Portenta
arduino-cli lib install portenta-pro-community-solutions
arduino-cli lib install Arduino_tensorflowlite