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PEP proposal

Tim Felgentreff edited this page Sep 28, 2022 · 1 revision

PEP: 9999 Title: Separate the the Interpreter API from the C API for Python Extensions Modules Author: Tim Felgentreff <> Sponsor: <real name of sponsor> PEP-Delegate: <PEP delegate's real name> Discussions-To: <REQUIRED: URL of current canonical discussion thread> Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Requires: <pep numbers> Created: 18-Aug-2022 Python-Version: 3.12 Post-History: <REQUIRED: dates, in dd-mmm-yyyy format, and corresponding links to PEP discussion threads> Replaces: <pep number> Superseded-By: <pep number> Resolution: <url>


The current stable Python C API and ABI will be deprecated over a sufficiently long deprecation period and replaced by an API specifically designed for the needs of typical C extension modules. Restrictions on Python core developers to change both the API and ABI of the Python interpreter and core modules will be lifted incrementally. The separate extension API is designed to remain stable and binary compatible for long periods of time, across different CPython versions, and even across separate implementations of Python. This allows Python implementations to evolve the interpreter and core data structures without breaking C extension modules.


A significant part of the current Python ecosystem is based around C extensions which make use of parts of the API that the CPython interpreter is written in to provide accellerated computation or access to libraries written in C or other languages.

The current C API for extensions is specific to the implementation of CPython. A subset of the API, the limited API, and a stable ABI exist for the benefit of extension developers and to allow Python core developers to easily evolve those parts of CPython that are not covered by stable ABI and limited API. However, the limited API and stable ABI still expose various implementation details, which makes it hard to experiment with new things inside CPython itself: for example, using a GC instead of refcounting, tagged pointers, or storage strategies for lists and tuples. When CPython wants to change, extensions have to adapt. Since these and other implementation details are often different in alternative Python implementations (e.g. PyPy, GraalPy, Jython, IronPython, etc.), it is also hard for those implementations to support Python C extensions. Separating the APIs used to implement CPython from the API intended for extension modules can solve these issues.

Over the past three years, we have developed and gained experience with a separate API for Python extension modules in the vein of JNI or Lua's C API which we call HPy. It makes few assumptions about the design decisions of any implementation of Python, allowing diverse implementations to support it efficiently. This a) makes it possible to compile a single binary which runs unmodified on all supported Python implementations and versions now and in the future, b) gives a simpler and more manageable API tailored to the needs of extension developers and easier to debug for them, and c) it runs at native speed on CPython, and can be supported with good speed on alternative implementations.


Just getting rid of the stable ABI without replacement would allow CPython core developers to move forward quicker, but is not an option. Even with the stable ABI, C extensions still require builds at least for every architecture * OS * libc * Python implementation. (For example, the cryptography package[1] provides 12 binary wheels for CPython with ABI3 alone, plus wheels for PyPy, which does not have a stable ABI. A maintainer has stated they would likely delay supporting newer versions of CPython altogether if no stable ABI existed[2].) Simply removing the stable ABI to enable better CPython evolution would place an undue burden on C extension developers. Bindings packages such as Cython or pybind11 or those that expose their own C APIs that other packages depend on such as NumPy need to be updated before their dependents can be. If no longer considered stable, changes to the Python API and ABI, induce accumulating delays in updates to those packages.

Other language VMs - such as Lua, Java, or C# - have separated their native interface and their implementation details. JNI has not broken backwards compatibility since Java 1.2[3]. Other libraries such as the SDL game library also support significant evolution of its internals while staying binary compatible with closed source applications. This leads us to believe that an efficient and binary forward-compatible design is feasible also for Python with a dedicated extension API.

Our experience with HPy, our dedicated API for Python C extensions modules, demonstrates that we can offer a stable ABI for C extensions where one binary is enough to work across multiple versions and implementations of Python. The "H" in "HPy" stands for handle. Handles instead of PyObject* pointers are at the core of the HPy design. Another core concept is the HPyContext, a structure of function pointers in the same vein as Java's JNI native interface that replaces global API functions.

Design Goals

The design goals for HPy, which we believe should be the goals for any dedicated extension API for CPython, are:

  • Support the evolution of CPython as well as that of alternative implementations. To that end, the HPy API is designed as to be implementable in an efficient manner on a variety of interpreters. At the same time, no ABI compatibility is required on the part of the interpreters.
  • Support different representations of objects (pointer tagging, storage strategies, managed or unmanaged memory, pinned or unpinned), without accidentally leaking their representation to C extensions via C operations. In particular, HPy handles are not pointers as PyObject* is currently, since that makes it easy to make the mistake of comparing them via == in C, a mistake that may not be noticed if the implementation used during development does not have a moving GC. Instead HPy is an opaque, pointer sized struct, which gives the same operations after compilation, but does not allow comparison on C.
  • Enable moving and generational GC optimizations. Beyond HPy handles being structs, they are also short lived and may be invalidated by the runtime outside of a downcall. Long lived handles need to be stored in HPyField if they are part of a C structure so they can be marked reachable from another object (which may be in another GC generation, for example). Global references can be replaced with HPyGlobal for simple migration, or stored in also as HPyField via the PEP-3121 module state. Both of these types can be converted to short-lived handles via an API call, thus allowing the runtime to trace and move such references.
  • Provide single binary for all Python implementations and future versions. This is achieved via the indirection through the HPyContext, a struct that gives access to API functions and well-known objects. While the table layout is fixed, each interpreter can easily their own implementation of the context to tie into the interpreter API. As the API evolves, members can be added at the end, naturally keeping binary compatibility with prior versions. To support the case where members are re-ordered or removed, the existing module initialization is extended to first call an extension module provided function to request the version of HPy the extension was compiled against. The runtime can then provide an HPyContext compatible with the layout of that version. However, as the interpreters evolve, performance properties of API functions cannot be guaranteed as well as they currently are, as they may be more or less difficult to implement.
  • Cater to the debugging needs of extension developers. The HPyContext table design makes it easy to wrap the entire API surface, and provide, for example, a "debug context" with additional assertions and checks that help the extension developers, all without having to recompile the extension.
  • Make incremental porting of extensions possible. An additional argument of HPyContext is added to all API functions. But our experience with HPy so far leads us to believe that the API can stay close in naming and concepts to the current API. Where there aren't strong reasons against it, porting thus becomes little more than search and replace. Due to the closeness of the HPy API to the current API, we can also easily call from one to another. A module can use "legacy" and HPy code in the same extension, and thus incrementally port to HPy. The benefit of binary compatibility across Python implementations can only be gained when the full port is finished, however.
  • Multiple interpreters in the same process ("subinterpreters") should be made easier. Any Python objects' global state must be registered and stored as HPyGlobal or in the module state via HPyField, which leaves native global state as the only remaining obstacle to full subinterpreter support.
  • Performance should not be compromised. Multiple current extension modules, like Cython and NumPy, do not use the Python limited API. Cython can be configured to do so, but it does not default to it, citing performance as a primary reason for using internal APIs [CITATION NEEDED]. To cater to those extensions that do not necessarily desire binary compatibility across versions, HPy provides multiple compilation modes. The default "universal" mode brings the aforementioned benefits like binary portability, but an additional "CPython ABI" mode gives performance equivalent to using the Python API directly, at the cost of only running against a specific version of CPython. [BENCHMARKS NEEDED]


There are certain kinds of extensions that we do not feel able to support with such a new API. Among them are certain debugging, profiling, or introspection APIs that have as their "raison d'être" to expose CPython implementation details for developers.


[Describe the syntax and semantics of any new language feature.]

Backwards Compatibility

There is no backwards compatibility, only the question of deprecation period. The deprecation of the limited API and stable ABI would have to be done over multiple years. In [4], Mark Shannon proposed a timeline in which, by 2031, the legacy C API and stable ABI would be finally marked as unstable. At this point, only the new extension API would guarantee binary compatibility across more than one Python version. The actual stability of the current ABI and API may be longer, only the guarantee of stability would cease.

Thus, by this point all extensions must be ported. The incremental porting that HPy allows would hopefully enable extension authors to spread this work out over multiple years, and even accept multiple small contributions that port single functions or data structures at a time.

From our experience with porting (so far) ujson, Pillow, NumPy, Kiwisolver, and Matplotlib, there are multiple more difficult steps for extension authors that are less easy to split up into smaller chunks of work:

  • Move to the current limited API, including using heap types and not relying on direct access to any CPython structures.
  • Update all global state to use module state and HPyField or HPyGlobal.
  • Update all current native data structures that hold on to long lived PyObject* to use HPyField instead.
  • Migrate or extend any C API the extension itself exposes to HPy.

Once these are complete, moving extension methods to HPy can be done one method at a time, and is thus much easier.

Security Implications

How to Teach This

  • documentation for C API needs to be updated so that new extension developers can get started on HPy directly
  • migration document, we've done it for HPy

Proof of Concept Implementation

  • we have implemented HPy for CPython, PyPy, and GraalPy
  • we have partially or completely ported multiple complex extensions to HPy: ujson, Pillow, NumPy, Matplotlib, Kiwisolver, Cython - - - - - -

[Link to any existing implementation and details about its state, e.g. proof-of-concept.]

Rejected Ideas

[Why certain ideas that were brought while discussing this PEP were not ultimately pursued.]

Open Issues

[Any points that are still being decided/discussed.]


[A collection of footnotes cited in the PEP, and a place to list non-inline hyperlink targets.]

[1] [2] [3] The Java™ Native Interface: Programmer’s Guide and Specification. Chapter 1 - Evolution of the JNI. [4]


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