- 🌱 I’m pursuing Computer Science at BITS Pilani with Minor in Data Science
- 🔭 I’m currently working on an Indoor Positioning System and Missing LIGO Data Imputation.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with this issue.
- 📫 How to reach me: k.hrishi2010@gmail.com
A full stack web application that uses various APIs to deliver unique content for the people who value health
In this project we use various deep-learning techniques to rapidly identify transient gravitational-wave signals from binary neutron star and black-hole mergers in a noisy time series representativ…
A Two-Branch DCNN model for Face Recognition in low-resolution images (24x24) to determine employee presence.
Jupyter Notebook 2
Simulation of a toy for infants which is made up of an array of LEDs in Logisim. When a number from (0-15) is input into the system, the number scrolls across this LED screen.
BlockBuster is a feature-packed, complete end-to-end tetris game engine that enables the user to design creative variants 2D tetris.