This is a Python flask Application.
Instruction to run the code:
*without docker container
1.Setup a Mongodb database first- replace the [username], [password] and [ip_address] with your mongodb credentials. 2.Create 2 collections in the mongodb database one for user details and other for pets. 3.Give gmail credentials - replace [email] and [password] with your credentials. 4.Make sure to download all libraries are installed mentioned in requirement.txt 5.Run
*as docker container
1.Setup a Mongodb database first- replace the [username], [password] and [ip_address] with your mongodb credentials. 2.Create 2 collections in the mongodb database one for user details and other for pets. 3.Give gmail credentials - replace [email] and [password] with your credentials. 4.Install docker on your manchine 5.Build image for the application - (command - docker build --tag python-docker-cloud . ) container -( command - docker run python-docker-cloud )