This repository is completed as part of Springboard Software Engineering Career Track capstone two. The frontend can be found here.
"ExpenseBud" is a web app for users to easily track their expenses and budget goals. Aside from manual entries of expenses, users could connect with their financial institutions to import transactions via the Plaid API. Both the expenses and budgets data are visualized in a simple to understand dashboard for high level overview.
View the application here on Render. Best viewed on desktop.
Demo credentials:
Username: testuser
Password: testuser
Please note that the backend server may take a moment to load.
- React
- Material UI
- Chart.js
- React Chart.js
- Express
- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- Axios
Base URL:
Token is required in the header for all routes after Authentication Routes.
POST /auth/register
Endpoint for creating a new user.
- username: string
- password: string
- firstName: string
- lastName: string
- email: string
user: {
id: number,
username: string,
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
email: string
token: string
POST /auth/login
Endpoint for authenticating existing user.
- Request:
- username: string
- password: string
- Response:
token: string
GET /users/:userId
Endpoint for getting a user. Correct User Required.
- Response:
user: {
id: number,
username: string,
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
email: string
PATCH /users/:userId
Endpoint for editing a user. Correct User Required.
- Request:
- username (optional): string
- firstName (optional): string
- lastName (optional): string
- email (optional): string
- password: string
- Response:
user: {
id: number,
username: string,
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
email: string
DELETE /users/:userId
Endpoint for removing a user. Correct User Required.
- Response:
{ deleted: username }
GET /users/:userId/expenses
Endpoint for getting all expenses for a user. Correct User Required.
- Response:
expenses: [
id: number,
amount: string,
date: string,
vendor: string,
description: string,
category_id: number,
category: string,
transaction_id: string
}, ...
GET /users/:userId/expenses/:expenseId
Endpoint for getting a single expense for a user. Correct User Required.
- Response:
expense: {
id: number,
amount: string,
date: string,
vendor: string,
description: string,
category_id: number,
category: string,
user_id: number,
transaction_id: string
POST /users/:userId/expenses
Endpoint for creating an expense for a user. Correct User Required.
- Request:
- amount: number
- date: string
- vendor (optional): string
- description (optional): string
- category_id: number
- transaction_id (optional): string
- Response:
expense: {
id: number,
amount: number,
date: string,
vendor: string,
description: string,
category_id: number,
category: string,
transaction_id: string
PATCH /users/:userId/expenses/:expenseId
Endpoint for editing an expense for a user. Correct User Required.
- Request:
- amount (optional): number
- date (optional): string
- vendor (optional): string
- description (optional): string
- category_id (optional): number
- Response:
expense: {
id: number,
amount: string,
date: string,
vendor: string,
description: string,
category_id: number
DELETE /users/:userId/expenses/:expenseId
Endpoint for removing an expense for a user. Correct User Required.
- Response:
{ deleted: expenseId }
GET /users/:userId/budgets
Endpoint for getting all budgets for a user. Correct User Required.
- Response:
budgets: [
budget_id: number,
amount: string,
category: string,
category_id: number
}, ...
GET /users/:userId/budgets/:budgetId
Endpoint for getting a single budget for a user. Correct User Required.
- Response:
budget: {
id: number,
amount: number,
category: string,
category_id: number,
user_id: number
POST /users/:userId/budgets
Endpoint for creating a budget for a user. Correct User Required.
- Request:
- amount: number
- category_id: number
- Response:
budget: {
budget_id: number,
amount: number,
category: string,
category_id: number
PATCH /users/:userId/budgets/:budgetId
Endpoint for editing a budget for a user. Correct User Required.
- Request:
- amount: number
- Response:
budget: {
budget_id: number,
amount: number,
category_id: number
DELETE /users/:userId/budgets/:budgetId
Endpoint for removing a budget for a user. Correct User Required.
- Response:
{ deleted: budgetId }
GET /users/:userId/accounts
Endpoint for getting all accounts for a user. Correct User Required.
- Response:
accounts: [
id: number,
access_token: string,
item_id: string,
account_id: string,
institution_name: string,
account_type: string
}, ...
DELETE /users/:userId/accounts/:accountId
Endpoint for removing a budget for a user. Correct User Required.
- Response:
{ deleted: accountId }
Tests are contained in the folder that the JS file belongs to and can be run with npm test
at the root directory.