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Run these following commands on the robot laptop, if not explicitily expressed to SSH to other locations.

Before Starting

Be assured that ROS2 is properly set up and all the PCs clocks are synchronized (use ntpdate -b <IP_TO_NTP_SERVER> on ergoCub robots is

The ROS2 setup must use cyclone_dds as DDS, instead of the ROS2 default, and use the cyclonedds.xml config file on each PC, with the proper IPs set (guide here:

Install on ergoCub Laptop

  1. Install ROS2 following this guide
  2. Install Nav2 following this guide
  3. Create your workspace under $ROBOT_CODE/hsp/ros2_workspace/src
  4. In /src clone this repo git clone and these ones:, (switch to branch humble)
  5. in the folder ros2_workspace execute the command: colcon build --symlink-install

How to run on ergoCubSN000

0- Turn on the robot and use the yarpmanager to run the yarpserver and its nodes while the robot is suspended on the crane.

1- SSH to the robot torso: ssh -X ergocub-torso from the laptop. Set up the robot using the command in the ergoCub torso robot_configuration folder: yarprobotinterface --config ergocub.xml --enable_tags "(enable_ros2)" (you can go there using the alias gotoRobotConfigurationFolder)

2- Calibrate the FT sensors by:

yarp rpc /wholeBodyDynamics/rpc
>> calib all 300

3- SSH to the torso go to the walking-controllers folder and switch to the proper branch for navigation:

cd /usr/local/src/robot/robotology-superbuild/src/walking-controllers && git switch nav_integration && goToBuildSuperbuild && make install -j4

then launch the following command:

WalkingModule --from /usr/local/src/robot/robotology-superbuild/src/walking-controllers/src/WalkingModule/app/robots/ergoCubSN001/dcm_walking_iFeel_joint_retargeting_navigation_strict.ini

For further instruction on how to use the walking-controllers, look at this link:

4- While the robot is still suspended on the crane, type the following command:

yarp rpc /walking-coordinator/rpc
>> prepareRobot

5- After the robot is prepared correctly, lower the robot on the ground and activate the walking mode (in the same terminal as the one in the previous point):

yarp rpc /walking-coordinator/rpc
>> startWalking

Sensors Setup

1- SSH to the robot head: ssh -X ergocub-head from the laptop. Set up the robot using the command yarprobotinterface --config sensors.xml in the ergoCub head robot_configuration folder (you can go there using the alias gotoRobotConfigurationFolder)

2- ON the LAPTOP Launch the ROS2 yarp devices by typing each of the following commands inside the folder: cd $ROBOT_CODE && cd /ros2_ws/src/ergocub_navigation/config/yarp and typing each of the following commands in a separate terminal:

yarprobotinterface --config depth_compressed_ros2.xml
yarprobotinterface --config head_imu_ros2.xml
yarprobotinterface --config lidar_compressed_ros2.xml

ROS2 application launch

1- Run the BT interface with the walking-controllers by:

ros2 run ergocub_navigation planner_trigger_server

2- Launch the navigation stack using:

ros2 launch ergocub_navigation

3- Run the navigation interface with the walking-controller by:

ros2 launch ergocub_navigation

4- (optional) To display planned footsteps on RViz:

ros2 launch ergocub_navigation


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