Template to kickstart creating a Node.js module using TypeScript and VSCode, used by create-npm-packages
Inspired by node-module-boilerplate
- Commitlint
- Changesets
- Issue Templates
- GitHub Actions
- Codecov
- VSCode Launch Configurations
- TypeScript
- Husky
- Lint Staged
- Jest
- ESLint
- Prettier
Click the "Use this template" button.
Alternatively, create a new directory and then run:
npx create-npm-packages --template husehic/cnp-template-typescript --github-username=xxx
Add your npm token to your GitHub repository secrets as NPM_TOKEN
Enable the Codecov GitHub App here.
Remove everything from here and above
My awesome module
npm install my-package-name
import { myPackage } from 'my-package-name';
//=> 'hello from my package'
Type: string
Lorem ipsum.
Type: object
Type: string
Default: rainbows
Lorem ipsum.