Model of the extendable freely-jointed-chain in three dimensions.
Using the Fourier Transform Integral method, the script plots the Partition Function for an Extendable Freely Jointed Chain Model at different extensions. For a freely-jointed-chain with N
links, each of length link_length
, we include a parameter extendable_length
that controls the extensibility of each link.
This calculation supports the Extendable Freely Jointed Chain chapter of the UCL PhD thesis.
Python 2.7 TexLive distribution
Has been tested on Mac OS X, Windows 8 and Linux
When the script is executed a results
directory is created which contains all the raw data and plots (pdf format).
To run different parameters change the variables link_length
and extendable_length
near the top of the script. In the main section you can specify the chain size in the N
WARNING: Using N > 12 causes unstable results that will increase run time (see thesis for more info)
- Main file to execute