Import File Reputations for all files from a specified directory (simple tkinter gui)
This is a rather simple localized (English and German) Python 3.5-tkinter-interface for reading all the files from a chosen directory, calculating MD5/SHA1-hashes for every file and sending them to the McAfee EPO server with a specified reputation value. Its main purpose is to whitelist all the files to build a golden image (for client/server installations).
I highly recommend using the latest Python 3.x version with a virtual environment. Just download the latest Python 3.x version from (or use a portable version), create a virtual environment and install dependencies using pip. Besides the requests module, everything else should be included by default in Python 3.x
For building this interface (in addition to the standard Python documentation), I used a couple of documents:
- Similar sample script:
- Another sample:
- Explanation of ePO Web API and where to find Web API documentation:
- ePolicy Orchestrator 5.1.0 Web API Scripting Reference Guide:
- Alternative, non-standard library:
It is a simple as running this command:
Before running this interface (at least if you want to send hashes to the EPO), you have to add an API user to the EPO-server. It does not have to be an admin-user, but privileges for uploading hashes is a must!
There are a couple of default parameters/configurations options, which can be modified in epo.cfg:
# available languages: de, en
default_language = en
username = webapi
password =
url =
verify_certificate = 1
requests_timeout = 5
hashes_per_request = 10
default_reputation = 99
Most of the options should be pretty straight forward. At the moment, there is a German translation available. The EPO URL and credentials (username, password) can be set to default values. Certificate verification (0 or 1) only works if the EPO server has a trusted certificate from a known CA. The requests module timeout is set to 5s and we send 10 hashes per request. If you have 1000 files, then there will be 100 requests with 10 entries sent to the EPO server. Each entry consists of the filename, a comment, a MD5-hash, a SHA1-hash and a reputation value. The default reputation value is 99 (="Known trusted"). Other values are (they are not translated):
name | value |
Known trusted | 99 |
Most likely trusted | 85 |
Might be trusted | 70 |
Unknown | 50 |
Might be malicious | 30 |
Most likely malicious | 15 |
Known malicious | 0 |
Instead of the original library (issued by McAfee) I chose an alternative library, which has full Python 3 compatibility, uses requests as module and can be easily installed with pip (
- Open directory
- Change default values, add missing values
- Send file hashes to EPO server
- Download hashes as CSV file
This is the main GUI (with a simple tkinter grid layout):
The script uses the getpass-module to add the user currently logged in user as a comment. This is important, because usually the API user is a shared user and to blame a specific user for adding file reputations, we have to have a username somewhere.
Usually, standard Windows clients and servers do not have a Python 3 installation. To be able to use this program without installation Python 3 (with dependencies), I modified the source to be used with PyInstaller to create a standard Windows executable file. I added a .spec-file, which packs everything necessary into one .exe-file.
C:\py352\Scripts\pyinstaller eporeputations.spec
759 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.2
760 INFO: Python: 3.5.2
761 INFO: Platform: Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1
765 INFO: UPX is not available.
787 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
788 INFO: checking Analysis
789 INFO: Building Analysis because out00-Analysis.toc is non existent
789 INFO: Initializing module dependency graph...
801 INFO: Initializing module graph hooks...
810 INFO: Analyzing ...
5206 INFO: running Analysis out00-Analysis.toc
22033 INFO: Writing RT_ICON 1 resource with 1128 bytes
22033 INFO: Writing RT_ICON 2 resource with 4264 bytes
22033 INFO: Writing RT_ICON 3 resource with 9640 bytes
22034 INFO: Writing RT_ICON 4 resource with 67624 bytes
22126 INFO: Appending archive to EXE dist\eporeputations.exe
After clicking on this .exe-file, everything will be extracted to a temporary directory and executed without dependencies.
There are many things which can be improved and there might be some bugs (I probably have not catched all possible errors). As stated above, this is just a simple interface which does the job for me.