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No GUI edited this page Apr 7, 2018 · 13 revisions

Passing cookies in requests

The HTTP.cookies option can be used to configure cookies for a given request:

response = HTTP.cookies(:session_cookie => "dXNlcl9pZD0xO21hYz1iY2NlYT...")

Cookie jars between requests

This gem uses the sparklemotion/http-cookie library to provide HTTP::Cookie and HTTP::CookieJar classes. To obtain the cookie jar for a given response, call the #cookies method:

>> response = HTTP.get("")
 => #<HTTP::Response/1.1 200 OK [...]>
>> response.cookies
 => #<HTTP::CookieJar:0x007fe48c245a40 @jar={""=>{"/"=>{"NID"=>#<HTTP::Cookie:name="NID", value="77=MhhSY6nnIUwA[...]">>

See also

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