A ROM burner for STC90C516RD+ MCU.
This MCU is Intel 80C51 compatible.
The official ISP (In System Programming) download protocol is non-public.
I hack on this just for fun.
Windows version can work so far.
Have some problems under Linux, now in process...
Only tested for STC90C516RD+.
Only supports binary format.
Finish the command line user interface.
Hex format support.
Linux support.
Power-on download support.
This is free software published under GPLv2. See LICENSE.
####For Chinese Users
这是一款 STC90C516RD+ 单片机的烧录程序。由于 STC 官方的实在惨不忍睹,加上个人兴趣,就根据监听工具分析了它的协议。
由于在 Linux 下调试串口多日无果,因此先做 Windows 版本。
目前 Windows 版本已经能可以烧录。