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470 lines (352 loc) · 26.5 KB

File metadata and controls

470 lines (352 loc) · 26.5 KB

Change Log

ant-design-vue strictly follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

Release Schedule

  • Weekly release: patch version at the end of every week for routine bugfix (anytime for urgent bugfix).
  • Monthly release: minor version for new features.
  • Major version release is not included in this schedule for breaking change and new features.



🎉 🎉 🎉 Happy New Year!

  • 🐞 fix: AutoComplete placeholder not display when disabled. #402
  • 🐞 Add the BreadcrmbItem ts type file.#452
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where the FormItem was not updated when it was in a subcomponent. #446
  • 🐞 Fix some component TypeScript definitions.



  • 🐞 Fix message not close When you configure maxcount.#428
  • 🐞 Fix some component TypeScript definitions.#422
  • 🌟 The Anchor component add warpperClass wrapperStyle property.1aa42d
  • 📝 Update the document: form adds the preserve description, and the icon modifies the custom component reference document description.



  • 🐞 Fix Form reports an error when using the obsolete API autoCreateForm.#413
  • 🐞 Fix Slider error when clicking mark. #407



  • 🐞 Fixed the Table component could not be scrolled under ie.。#390
  • 🐞 Fix Form does not clear that does not need to check the field.#367



  • 🎉 🎉 🎉 Publish the vscode plugin ant-design-vue-helper
  • 🎉 🎉 🎉 Optimize official website document interaction

Component features and styles are synchronized to antd version 3.11.6.

1.3.0 brings two new Components, a lot of exciting changes and new features.

  • 🔥 Added a new component Comment
  • 🔥 dded a new component ConfigProvider for user to customize some global setting.

Component Fixes / Enhancements:

  • 🌟 Avatar Added srcSet prop that is a list of sources to use for different screen resolutions.
  • 🌟 Notification Added onClick prop that is called when the notification is clicked.
  • Transfer
    • 🌟 Added search event that is executed when search field are changed and deprecated searchChange event.
    • 🌟 Added disabled prop that whether disable transfer.
  • 🌟 Refactor Badge, support count as custom component.
  • Slider
    • 🌟 Added tooltipVisible prop that whether Tooltip will always show.
    • 🌟 Optimize the focus effect
    • 🐞 Fix tooltip does not display the problem when focus through the keyboard tab.
    • 🐞 Fix the hidden switch problem of Tooltip while dragging.
  • Calendar
    • 🌟 Support multiple date format.
    • 🌟 showSearch added limit prop that support limit filtered item count.
  • Table
    • 🌟 Added expandIcon prop that custom the default expand icon.
    • 🌟 customCell added index prop.
  • Select
    • 🌟 Added removeIconclearIconmenuItemSelectedIcon prop,allow setting removeclearmenuItemSelected custom icons.
    • 🌟 Added dropdownRender prop that custom dropdown content.
    • 🌟 Added loading prop that indicate loading state.
  • 🌟 Optimize the display of the Button when it contains an Icon.
  • ⚡️ Refactor Tag component with less code and better performance.
  • 💄 Added title prop that Menu.Item support tooltip title when collapsed.
  • 💄 Chore Card header and loading UI.
  • 💄 Optimized Spin wrapper styles and improve performance slightly.
  • 🐞 Fix TextArea use resize observer to check textarea size.
  • 🐞 Fix Tooltip in the disabled state, the style error problem.#389
  • 🐞 Fix some component TypeScript definitions.



  • 🌟 Add Typescript type file#250
  • 🐞 Fix Icon component can't support static class and dynamic class problems at the same time#371



  • 🐞 Fix Select component does not trigger popupScroll event#350
  • 🐞 Fixing the custom Icon component does not support class style issues.#351
  • 🌟 Tree TreeSelect supports key of number type. #343
  • 🌟 Tree components selectedKeys, expandedKeys support the .sync modifier.6373ce
  • TreeSelect
    • 🌟 treeExpandedKeys supports the .sync modifier.983318
    • 🐞 Fix page scrolling issue when the first focus.139356
  • 🐞 Remove the expansion animation when the Menu component is initialized.#338



  • 📝 Remove Christmas egg.
  • 🐞 Fix some components do not support array type class problem#322
  • 🌟 TreeSelect adds the treeExpandedKeys props and treeExpand event to control the expansion of the tree.
  • 🐞 Fix the Tree component warning duplicate key question when using TreeNode



  • 🐞 Datepicker render footer twice question. #315
  • Menu
    • 🐞 menu automatically close up to fit width in horizontal mode.aa1b24
    • 🐞 menu first expand not animation in inline mode. d63935
    • 🐞 flashing problem when change collapse = true and change openKeys=[]3393f0
  • 🐞 Fix form validateStatus icon not work #321
  • 🐞 Upload thumbnail icon broken styles f1e130
  • 🐞 Icon support native event cffef3



  • 🐞 Fix Menu flashing problem when scaling under Layout
  • 🐞 Fix Icon report Warning problem



Synchronize with antd 3.10.x

  • 🔥🔥🔥 replaced font icons with svg icons which bring benefits below::
    • Complete offline usage of icon, no dependency of alipay cdn font icon file and no more empty square during downloading than no need to deploy icon font files locally either.
    • Much more display accuracy in lower-level screens.
    • Support multiple colors for icon.
    • No need to change built-in icons with overriding styles by providing more props in component.
    • 😓 But at the same time bring the problem that the bundle file is too big, related solutions and discussions can check the React version of ant-design issue.
    • 🌟 Add the theme attribute to set the theme style of the icon.
    • 🌟 Added component attribute, you can externally pass a component to customize the control rendering result.
    • 🌟 The twoToneColor property is added to control the theme color of the two-color icon.
    • 🌟 Added static methods Icon.getTowToneColor() and Icon.setTwoToneColor(...) to globally get and set the theme color of all two-color icons.
    • 🌟 The new static method Icon.createFromIconfontCN({...}) is added to make it easier to use icons hosted on
  • 🔥 Added a new component Skeleton.
  • 🔥 Menu will automatically close up to fit width in horizontal mode.
  • 🔥 The placement of the drawer supports top and bottom to accommodate more scenes.
  • 🌟 The following components add a suffixIcon prop, which is used to set the icon behind the input box. For details, please refer to the documentation.
    • Cascader
    • DatePicker
    • Select
    • TreeSelect
    • TimePicker
  • 🌟 Added for optional icon dialog.
  • 🌟 adds the configuration of getContainer.
  • 🌟 Improve RangePicker footer UI by merging them.
  • 🌟 The Anchor component adds onClick property.
  • 🌟 The Tab component adds the renderTabBar property.
  • 🌟 The Input component adds the select method.
  • 🌟 Steps adds the initial attribute.
  • 🌟 Upload adds openFileDialogOnClick prop to allow setting whether to open the upload dialog when the component is clicked.
  • 🌟 InputNumber adds decimalSeparator prop to allow setting a custom decimal.
  • 🐞 Fix a lot of hidden bugs that have not yet been issued, and then not list them one by one.



  • 🔥🔥🔥 In the 1.1.10 version, the Form component better supports the single-file tempalte syntax. In previous versions, complex component requirements were required to be implemented using JSX. In order to better use the automatic collection and validation of Form forms in the template, we have optimized the way components are used. All Demo files are refactored using the latest syntax. However, for the previous API, continue to support, you can not worry about the API changes, resulting in problems in the existing system.
  <a-form :form="form">
      <a-input v-decorator="[id, options]">
export default {
  beforeCreate () {
    this.form = this.$form.createForm(this, options)
  • 🐞 Fix Steps component labelPlacement does not work #281
  • 🐞 Fix the Timeline component style problem, add reverse mode props #8e37cd
  • Tree
    • 🐞 Fix treeDefaultExpandedKeys does not work #284
    • 🐞 Fixes the component not update when other array attributes such as expandedKeys selectedKeys changed by array’s mutation methods. #239



  • 🐞 Fix the TreeSelect component getPopupContainer does not work #265
  • 🐞 Fix Carousel component on-demand loading does not work #271
  • 🐞 Fix Upload component remove event no return value problem #259



  • Progress
    • 🐞 Fix circle type does not support strokeColor problem #238
    • 🐞 Add normal type #257
  • 🐞 Fix Cascader component does not support getPopupContainer problem #257
  • 🌟 Tooltip support align #252



  • 🐞 Fix Cascader component type error problem #219
  • 🐞 Fix Tree component custom Icon the callback parameter order error #223
  • 🐞 Fix Table pagination trigger multiple change events when showSizeChange=true #228
  • 🌟 Optimize the Tabs component to add tabs to the visible area by default #215
  • 🐞 Fix RadioGroup component does not support number 0 problem #226
  • 🐞 Fix Slider component When setting zoom is not 1, the position error problem, some browsers need visualViewport Polyfill #227



  • 🐞 Fix Select component keyboard event error #217
  • 🐞 Fix the Drawer component children update issue #209



  • 🛠 Refactor the vc-tree component and add a directory tree component
  • 🐞 Fix tabs component property tabBarGutter does not work #205
  • 🐞 Fix table component data synchronization error #202



  • 🎉 Optimize component registration methods, such as Vue.use(Form) a6620c
  • 🐞 Select.Option component value property supports 0 #194
  • 🐞 Fix Layout.Sider trigger button width does not work #201
  • 🐞 Fix Menu When switching inlineCollapsed, there is no animation problem #200
  • 🐞 Fix style problem in Steps dot mode #199



  • 🎉 Synchronize antd3.8.4 style
  • 🌟 Tag component adds visible attribute and wave effect
  • 🐞 Fix the 'Cascader` component, the selected item is not expanded #195



  • 🐞 dropdown position incorrect caused by window size change #184
  • 🐞 tabs container add custom event listeners #189
  • 🐞 Fixing 'centered` does not work when calling Modal window via API form #183
  • 🐞 Slider marks support {number: function}形式 #171



  • 🎉 Synchronize components from 3.4.0 to antd [3.8.2]( Ant-design/ant-design/releases/tag/3.8.2)
  • 🌟 Add the Drawer component
  • 🐞 Fix Spin content flicker problem #174
  • 🐞 Fix RangePicker selection is not disabled #158
  • 🐞 Fixed throw error when Form value was null #153
  • 🐞 Fix the Modal subcomponent to repeat the mounted question #152
  • 🐞 Fixed donot render after 'Transfer` search filter #148
  • 🐞 Fixed multi-level Tabs component nesting causing size not to work #144
  • 🐞 Fix TreeSelectsearchPlaceholder does not work #125
  • 🛠 Other issues that do not appear in the issue, see antd changelog



  • 🐞 Fix Select children not to update the problem #106
  • 🐞 Fix Badge offset x y axis order error and support number type #99
  • 🐞 Fix Input trigger input event problem when placeholder is Chinese in IE#92
  • 🐞 Fix Avatar does not accept event issues [#102] (vueComponent#102)
  • 🐞 Fix grid.row gutter type error problem 4af03c4
  • 🐞 Fix CheckboxGroup to report defaultValue warning in Form #110



  • 🎉 Modify the component library name to ant-design-vue
  • 🌟 The official site supports IE9 accessa8a5f8
  • 🐞 Fix reminder issues caused by exporting undefined variables#87
  • 🐞 Fix some component classname duplicatesb48bbac
  • 🐞 Fix Select component label does not update the problemda1b924
  • 🛠 Corrected some documentation errors



  • 🌟 Optimize Chinese input for Input components(just support v-model) 4a5154
  • 🐞 Fix treeSelect treeData[i].children throw error when null#81
  • 🐞 Fix Calendar change event call twice#82
  • 🐞 Fix the description and title slot attribute of the Card component does not work#83
  • 🐞 Fix dropdownClassName attribute of DataPicker component does not working02ab242



  • 🌟 Add Carousel component edddbd
  • modify some error document



  • 🐞 fix Tooltip containing disabled button does not show and style#73
  • 🐞 add Table panagation deep watch#b464c6



  • 🌟 Add TreeSelect component
  • 🌟 Select add options, Easy to generate a selection list directly#37
  • 🐞 Fix blur event error when using Select component in Tooltip#67
  • 🐞 Modify the Upload component action attribute to optional#66



  • 🐞 Fix notification h is not defined#63
  • 🐞 Fix Transfer local-provider miss titles#64



  • 🐞 Fix Form component cannot be updated when using template syntax#62



  • 🐞 Fix Upload type validation error issue and update related demo#61
  • 🐞 Fix Upload image preview does not jump correctly1584b3



  • 🐞 Fix Select getPopupContainer not working #56
  • 🐞 Fix Select popup position is not updated8254f7



  • 🐞 Fix InputSearch v-model return wrong value#53



  • 🐞 Fix Popover v-model not working#49



  • 🌟 Form component data auto-checking support for template syntax7c9232
  • Select: 🐞 add focus blur methods52f6f5
  • Radio
    • 🐞 Fix Radiogroup disabled className9df74b
    • 🐞 Fix autoFoucs focus blur mouseenter mouseleave not workingf7886c
  • TimePicker: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs focus blur not working28d009



  • 🌟 Add List Component
  • Table
    • 🐞 Fix 'querySelectorAll error when updating height#33
    • 🐞 fix defaultChecked not workingec1999
    • columns key support number type9b7f5c
  • Tooltip: 🛠 update events API change to visibleChange
  • Textarea: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs not working787927
  • InputSearch: 🐞 Add focus blur methods3cff62
  • InputNumber: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs not working88f165
  • DatePicker: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs not working264abf
  • Cascader: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs not workingbe69bd
  • Rate: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs not working,and blur errorc2c984
  • RangePicker: 🐞 Fix value type check error problem228f44



  • 🌟 Add Anchor Component
  • Table
    • 🐞 Fix show emptyText problem when loading.spinning 17b9dc
    • 🐞 Fixed header style not working #30
  • 🐞 DatePicker: Fix the issue of change event repeatedly call when showTime is true 81ab82
  • 🐞 InputNumber: Fix placeholder not working ce39dc



  • 🐞 Fix missing less file problem in dist directoryca084b9



  • 🐞 Fixed issue with building antd-with-locales.js containing test files90583a3



  • 🐞 Timeline: Fix duplicated loading component bug fa5141b
  • Transfer
    • 🐞 Fix search box clear button does not work Problem 4582da3
    • 💄 Override property change listener logic to avoid unnecessary 0920d23
  • 💄 Select: Optimizing title display logic 9314957
  • Form
    • 🐞 Fixed Form component directive error #20
    • 🌟 Maintain an ref for wrapped component instance, use wrappedComponentRef c5e421c
  • 🐞 DatePicker: Fix calendar keyboard event does not work e9b6914
  • Avatar: Fixing font size adaptation issues #22
  • 🌟 Added single test for some components
  • 🌟 sorted component library dependencies and devDependencies, deleted unused packages, and added peerDependencies



  • 🐞 Table: Fix customRow events not working#16



  • 🌟 Form: add Form component
  • 💄 Upload.Dragger: Modify name name to a-upload-dragger
  • 🐞 Upload: Fix name prop not working



  • 🐞 Fix component style loss problem
  • 🌟 site add babel-polyfill



  • 🐞 fix menu click bug



  • Transfer Vue's dependencies to devDependencies to avoid unstable bugs caused by inconsistency with business versions



  • add layout component


