React Upload
npm install
npm start
online example:
- support ie8,ie8+,chrome,firefox,safari
var Upload = require('rc-upload');
var React = require('react');
React.render(<Upload />, container);
name | type | 默认值 | 说明 |
name | string | file | file param post to server |
supportServerRender | boolean | false | whether to support server render |
onReady | function | only call when supportServerRender is true, upload is rendered completely | |
action | string | from action url | |
data | object/function(file) | other data object to post or a function which returns a data object | |
headers | object | {} | http headers to post, available in modern browsers |
accept | string | input accept attribute | |
multiple | boolean | false | only support ie10+ |
onStart | function | start upload file | |
onError | function | error callback | |
onSuccess | function | success callback | |
onProgress | function | progress callback, only for modern browsers | |
beforeUpload | function | null | before upload check, return false or a rejected Promise will stop upload, only for modern browsers |
withCredentials | boolean | false | ajax upload with cookie send |
: request error messageresponce
: request responce, not support on iframeUploadfile
: upload file object
: request bodyfile
: upload file
In iframe uploader way, the content-type of response should be text/plain
or text/html
If the Page set document.domain, then server should output document.domain according to _documentDomain parameter.
var ret = '';
if (postData._documentDomain) {
ret += '<script>document.domain="'+postData._documentDomain+'";</script>';
this.body = ret + '{"url":"xx.jpq"}';
rc-upload is released under the MIT license.