All the code that run in edison is cross-compiled in an ubuntu machine (or VM).
Be aware that in order to complete all the steps you will need at least 50GB of free space in or machine.
First download the yocto-image from intel web-site
Then follow these steps to build the image and the sdk:
- Install required packages:
sudo apt-get install build-essential git diffstat gawk chrpath texinfo libtool gcc-multilib
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libexpat1-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui
sudo apt-get install dfu-util screen
- Extract the image:
tar xvf edison-src-weekly-68.tgz
- Initialize Yocto build environment:
cd edison-src
./device-software/ --bb_number_thread=X --parallel_make=X
If you run into random build failures, adjust the number of threads to limit the amount of parallelism used when building.
For example: –bb_number_thread=2 –parallel_make=2
is a safe option for a quad-core machine with 4GB of RAM.
Add the boost_random library to the boost recipe. edit edison-src/poky/meta/recipes-support/boost/
and add random
date_time \
filesystem \
graph \
iostreams \
program_options \
regex \
random \
serialization \
signals \
system \
test \
thread \
Build the image:
source poky/oe-init-build-env
bitbake edison-image
It will take a few hours. If you can’t build all packages successfully, you need to rerun this until it says success.
Note: If you get the error: ERROR: Fetcher failure for URL: ''. Checksum mismatch!
You will need to change the URL from the recipe file. Change the SRC_URI
value to be
(first one I found on google).
SRC_URI = ""
Save and run bitbake edison-image
- Add "meta-oic" to build-machine
cd edison-src/device-software
git clone
cd meta-oic
git checkout
- Add "meta-oic" layer to the build with editing
Add the full path of meta-oic
in section [BBLAYERS ?= “ \]
see image here.
- Add iotivity package to the build with editing
Add one line IMAGE_INSTALL_append = ” iotivity-dev“
like this image. Make sure to keep a space between the opening quote and “iotivity-dev” else you will run into an error with bitbake complaining there is no provider of clloaderiotivity.
- Build toolchain
source poky/oe-init-build-env
bitbake edison-image -c populate_sdk
- Setup SDK
- Copy necessary files to toFlash folder
- Connect Edison and your development system with 2 USB cables.
There are two options to flash the edison board:
- Intel Edison Installer (easier).
Go to the download section of the intel edison board and download the correct installer for your OS. After running the installer, follow all the steps and in Options sections,
click the Flash firmaware button. Select the local image option and find the file edison-image-edison.hddimg
inside the toFlash folder created earlier.
- flashall command line
Execute below command
sudo ./edison-src/build/toFlash/
Checking the flash process
sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
Boot up and Configure Edison
run this command in the edison terminal
configure_edison --setup
It is also a good idea to have edison configured to boot from a larger SD Card. In order to do that follow these steps.