NOTICE! This project has moved here:
A secure and minimal docker image with Samba server (share) on Alpine edge. Runs as non-privileged user.
- VAR_CONFIG_FILE (/etc/samba/smb.conf)
- VAR_FINAL_COMMAND (nmbd --daemon -p $VAR_NMBD_PORT --debuglevel=$VAR_DEBUGLEVEL --configfile=$VAR_CONFIG_FILE --no-process-group && smbd -p $VAR_SMBD_PORTS --foreground --log-stdout --debuglevel=$VAR_DEBUGLEVEL --configfile=$VAR_CONFIG_FILE --no-process-group)
- VAR_SHARES_DIR (/shares): Root directory for shares.
- VAR_SHARE_USERS (shareuser): Comma separated list of user names that should have access the the shares. (Usernames should not include numeric characters?)
- VAR_NMBD_PORT (4450)
- VAR_global_smb_passwd_file (/etc/samba/smbpasswd): Encrypted passwords for all Samba users.
- VAR_global_dns_proxy (no)
- VAR_global_username_map (/etc/samba/usermap.txt)
- VAR_global_log_file (/var/log/samba/log.%m)
- VAR_global_max_log_size (0)
- VAR_global_panic_action (killall nmdb smbd)
- VAR_global_server_role (standalone)
- VAR_global_map_to_guest (bad user)
- VAR_global_load_printers (no)
- VAR_global_printing (bsd)
- VAR_global_printcap_name (/dev/null)
- VAR_global_disable_spoolss (yes)
- VAR_global_disable_netbios (yes)
- VAR_global_smb_encrypt (desired)
- VAR_global_lanman_auth (no)
- VAR_SHARES: Comma separated list of share names. Might also contain homes, printers.
- VAR_global_<parameter name with space replaced by underscore>: f ex global_allow_nt4_crypto.
- VAR_<share name from SHARES>_<parameter name with space replaced by underscore>: f ex public_guest_ok.
- VAR_password_file_<user name from USERS>: Path to file containing password for named user.
- VAR_password_<user name from USERS>: Password for named user. Slightly less secure.
- VAR_password_user1=1goodPa$$word
- VAR_SHARES=user1share
- VAR_user1share_browsable=yes
- VAR_user1share_guest_ok=no
- VAR_user1share_read_only=yes
- VAR_user1share_write_list=user1
- VAR_user1share_create_mask=0660
- VAR_user1share_directory_mask=0770
Can drop all but CHOWN, SETPCAP, SETGID and SETUID.
Connecting from Windows 10 can be tricky. Make sure smb support is turned on, then use the "map to drive letter" tool. An alternative to guest shares (which by default doesn't work on Windows 10) is to create a shortcut with one of the following targets:
cmd /c net use \\<host>\<share> /user:<username> <password> /savecred /persistent:yes & start \\<host>\<share>
cmd /c cmdkey /add:<host> /user:<username> /pass:<password> & start \\<host>\<share>
Alternatively create a batch-file and then convert it into a binary with a bat to exe converter.