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HuginnAgent Build Status Dependency Status

This is a dependency for new external Huginn Agent Gems.


It is recommended to have a local development setup of Huginn running before starting to develop a Huginn Agent Gem.

gem install huginn_agent

Creating a new Agent Gem

Use the provided generator to create a skeleton of the new Agent Gem.

huginn_agent new huginn_awesome_agent

You can now start developing the new Agent in ./huginn_awesome_agent. An example Agent class skeleton is located in ./huginn_awesome_agent/lib/huginn_awesome_agent/awesome_agent.rb.

Every Agent and ruby source file needs to be "registered", so that the huginn_agent can load them during the startup of Huginn. After creating new files add them in lib/huginn_<your agent name>_agent.rb:

# use register to add more agents to Huginn
HuginnAgent.register 'path_to/<agent name>_agent'
# use load to require concern or other library classes
HuginnAgent.load 'path_to/concerns/<file name>'

You can add your Agent Gem to your Huginn instance for testing by adding it the to list of ADDITIONAL_GEMS in the Huginn .env file:

ADDITIONAL_GEMS=huginn_awesome_agent(path: /local/path/to/huginn_awesome_agent)

Running the specs for the Agent Gem

Running rake will clone and set up Huginn in spec/huginn to run the specs of the Gem in Huginn as if it were a builtin Agent. The desired Huginn repository and branch can be modified in the Rakefile:

HuginnAgent.load_tasks(branch: '<your branch>', remote: '<github user>/huginn.git')

Make sure to delete the spec/huginn directory and re-run rake after changing the remote to update the Huginn source code.

After the setup is done, rake spec will only run the tests, without cloning Huginn again. To get code coverage reports set the COVERAGE environment variable: COVERAGE=true rake spec


You can see a list of gems using Huginn Agent on

We're also aware of these additional gems:


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/huginn_agent/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Base for creating new Huginn Agents as Gems







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