streaming startin
cargo build --release
makes the whole pipeline a whoooole lot faster, but you can't debug
- conceptually equivalent to Isenburg's spfinalise
- finalises a set of points in LAZ or XYZ
- can read several LAZ files at the same time
- XYZ file is a CSV without header, space separated (see
for a simple example with 400 points) - reads the files on disk
To see the format of the output stream ("spa" is streaming point ascii; binary to follow at some point)
export RUST_LOG=info
./target/release/sstfin ./data/crop.laz 10 > ./data/
Multiple LAZ files if you provide them in a myfiles.files
, see the example in ./data/crop_1_2.files
This reads crop_1.laz
and then crop_2.laz
(in that order); I split crop.laz
to obtain those 2 files.
export RUST_LOG=info
./target/release/sstfin ./data/crop_1_2.files 10 > /dev/null/
.spa file
# sstfin
n 212550
c 16
s 10
b 84600.000 447000.000 84699.998 447099.999
x 0 10
x 0 11
v 84601.790 447091.302 6.554
v 84660.438 447055.597 0.796
v 84637.450 447010.511 8.879
v 84662.152 447009.066 3.018
v 84669.030 447052.681 0.930
v 84603.720 447072.709 0.105
x 2 3
- conceptually equivalent to Isenburg's spdelaunay
- takes as input (stdin) the .spa output of sstfin and creates a DT of the points
- outputs a variation of an .obj file where a few vertex finalisers are added. It's simpler than Isenburg's .sma (streaming mesh ascii) and can be opened as an .obj file by different software (MeshLab just ignores the extra lines, so you can open the file with it)
export RUST_LOG=info
./target/release/sstfin ./data/crop.laz 10 | ./target/release/sstdt > ./data/crop_10.sma
output file
# sstdt
b 84600.000 447000.000 84699.998 447099.999
v 84693.637 447002.81 1.426
v 84693.613 447003.032 1.442
v 84693.468 447002.902 1.451
v 84693.564 447002.678 1.415
f 1 2 3
f 1 3 4
x 1
v 84692.714 447003.735 1.768
v 84692.743 447003.653 1.756
f 7 8 9
f 7 11 12
f 7 12 13
f 7 13 8
x 7
- shows some basics statistics to help you find the optimal cell size
- reads a LAZ or XYZ file
./target/release/sstats ./data/crop.laz
count: 212550
x-extent: 99.998
y-extent: 99.999
| cells | resolution | avg/cell | max/cell |
8x8 13m 3321 4875
16x16 7m 966 1676
32x32 4m 363 661
64x64 2m 92 224
128x128 1m 23 87
256x256 1m 23 87
512x512 1m 23 87