- Likes with Ajax (US107)
- custom permissions for users/posts
- admin pode editar/apagar posts (mas so dos amigos dele :D)
Identifier | Name | Priority | Description |
Search | High | As an user, I want to use the search bar to look for public profiles, groups and events, so that I can find them | |
See Profiles | High | As an user, I want to see public information (posts, comments, photos) on a public profile, so that I can see them |
Identifier | Name | Priority | Description |
Post Text | High | As a logged in user, I want to publish text posts, so that other users can see them | |
Comment | High | As a logged in user, I want to comment on posts, so that other users can see them | |
Befriend | High | As a logged in user, I want to accept and send friend requests to other users, so that we become friends | |
Create Events | High | As a logged in user, I want to create events and manage them, so that I can invite other users to them | |
Accept Invites | High | As a logged in user, I want to accept invitations from other users, so that I can join groups and events | |
Leave | High | As a logged in user, I want to leave groups and events I'm part of, so that I don't belong to them anymore | |
US107 | Like | Medium | As a logged in user, I want to like posts, comments and photos, so that I can rate them |
Edit | Medium | As a logged in user, I want to edit my profile, posts and comments, so that I can update them | |
Delete | Medium | As a logged in user, I want to delete my profile, posts and comments, so that no one sees them | |
Post Images | Medium | As a logged in user, I want to publish posts with images, so that other users can see them | |
Reset/Change Password | Medium | As a logged in user, I want to reset or change my password anytime I want, so that I can feel safe | |
Permissions | Medium | As a logged in user, I want to set custom permissions for my profile and posts | |
Invite | Low | As a logged in user, I want to invite non-registered users to create accounts, so that they'll join the web app | |
US114 | PMs | Low | As a logged in user, I want to send private messages to other users, so that I can talk to them in private |
US115 | Online Friends | Low | As a logged in user, I want to see my online friends |
US116 | Tags | Low | As a logged in user, I want to tag other users on my posts, so that they get notifications |
US117 | Notifications | Low | As a logged in user, I want to receive notifications (replies and posts involving me), so that I'm kept updated |
US118 | Report | Low | As a logged in user, I want to report profiles, posts and comments, so that I can help the community |
Create Groups | Low | As a logged in user, I want to create groups and manage them, so that I can invite other users to them | |
Reply | Low | As a logged in user, I want to reply to comments, so that I can answer them | |
US121 | Post Videos | Low | As a logged in user, I want to publish posts with videos, so that other users can see them |
Identifier | Name | Priority | Description |
Sign in | High | As a visitor, I want to use register a new account, so that I can login | |
Login | High | As a visitor, I want to login so that I can fully enjoy the web app | |
US203 | Sign in using external API | Low | As a visitor, I want to use register a new account linked to my Google+ account, so that I can login |
US204 | Login using external API | Low | As a visitor, I want to login through my Google+ account, so that I can fully enjoy the web app |
Identifier | Name | Priority | Description |
Invite | Low | As a group admin, I want to invite people to join the group, so that they become members | |
US302 | Remove | Low | As a group admin, I want to remove people from the group, so that they are no longer members |
US303 | Edit | Low | As a group admin, I want to edit the group's profile, posts and comments, so that they stay updated |
US304 | Delete | Low | As a group admin, I want to delete the group's profile, posts and comments, so that no one sees them |
US305 | Permissions | Low | As a group admin, I want to set custom permissions for the group's profile and posts |
Identifier | Name | Priority | Description |
Invite | Medium | As a event admin, I want to invite people to join the event, so that they participate in it | |
Remove | Medium | As a event admin, I want to remove people from the event, so that they no longer participate in it | |
US403 | Edit | Low | As a event admin, I want to edit the event's profile, posts and comments, so that they stay updated |
US404 | Delete | Low | As a event admin, I want to delete the event's profile, posts and comments, so that no one sees them |
US405 | Permissions | Low | As a event admin, I want to set custom permissions for the event's profile and posts |
Identifier | Name | Priority | Description |
Edit Posts | Low | As an admin, I want to edit posts, so that I can manage the web app | |
US502 | Edit Profiles | Low | As an admin, I want to edit profiles, so that I can manage the web app |
Edit Groups | Low | As an admin, I want to edit groups, so that I can manage the web app | |
Edit Events | Low | As an admin, I want to edit events, so that I can manage the web app | |
Delete Posts | Low | As an admin, I want to delete posts, so that I can manage the web app | |
US506 | Delete Profiles | Low | As an admin, I want to delete profiles, so that I can manage the web app |
Delete Groups | Low | As an admin, I want to delete posts, so that I can manage the web app | |
Delete Events | Low | As an admin, I want to delete events, so that I can manage the web app | |
US509 | See Reports | Low | As an admin, I want to see reports, so that I can manage the web app |
US510 | Close Reports | Low | As an admin, I want to close handled reports, so that I can manage the web app |