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Daniel Silverman edited this page Jun 11, 2014 · 3 revisions
  1. If you are not a maintainer on PyPI, register an account and ask for appropriate permissions from a developer who is.
  2. Merge releases changes into the stable branch
    1. Update the version in nepho/
    2. Add change information to CHANGES.txt
    3. If necessary updates the README.rst
  3. If you have not done a release before, push at least one RC (release candidate) to test the procedure
    1. Edit the version in nepho/, e.g. 1.0.0rc1.
    2. Run the command to create and upload a package: python register sdist upload
    3. Browse to the PyPI nepho page to view your release, making sure it contains some files
    4. Delete your RC from PyPI
  4. Create a release tag, e.g. git tag 1.0.0
  5. Push the release tag to GitHub: git push --tags
  6. Create and upload the release:
    1. python register sdist upload
    2. Browse to the PyPI nepho page to view your release, making sure it contains some files