Animate with Reanimated is a youtube series where I try to build from scratch simple and instructive animations with the help of the following packages:
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- 00 Introduction to Reanimated v2
- 01 The basics of PanGestureHandler with Reanimated
- 02 Interpolate with ScrollView like a pro
- 03 Interpolate Colors like a pro (Medium)
- 04 The basics of PinchGestureHandler
- 05 Animate on DoubleTap Gesture
- 06 ScrollView from Scratch with PanGestureHandler
- 07 ColorPicker Animation
- 08 Circular Progress Bar Animation
- 09 Swipe to Delete
- 10 Ripple Effect
- 11 Perspective Menu
- 12 Sliding Counter
- 13 Clock Loader
- 14 Layout Animations