Usage demo • Installation • Tips • Usage • Build Status • Contributing • License
is RPM package build helper.
sudo yum install -y$(grep 'CPE_NAME' /etc/os-release | tr -d '"' | cut -d':' -f5).noarch.rpm
sudo yum install rpmbuilder
Build node:
sudo yum install -y$(grep 'CPE_NAME' /etc/os-release | tr -d '"' | cut -d':' -f5).noarch.rpm
sudo yum install rpmbuilder-node
git clone
cd rpmbuilder
sudo make install
We provide a big variety of Docker images available on GitHub Container Registry and Docker Hub.
Official images
Basic images:
(CentOS 7)
(OracleLinux 7)
(OracleLinux 8)
(OracleLinux 9)essentialkaos/rpmbuilder:centos7
(CentOS 7)[Not Recommended]
(OracleLinux 7)[Not Recommended]
(OracleLinux 8)[Not Recommended]
(OracleLinux 9)[Not Recommended]
Build node images:
(CentOS 7 | Port:2027
(OracleLinux 7 | Port:2037
(OracleLinux 8 | Port:2038
(OracleLinux 9 | Port:2039
(CentOS 7 | Port:2027
)[Not Recommended]
(OracleLinux 7 | Port:2037
)[Not Recommended]
(OracleLinux 8 | Port:2038
)[Not Recommended]
(OracleLinux 9 | Port:2039
)[Not Recommended]
Package build using base image:
# Download and install rpmbuilder-docker script
curl -fL# -o rpmbuilder-docker
chmod +x rpmbuilder-docker
sudo mv rpmbuilder-docker /usr/bin/
# Pull rpmbuilder image based on OracleLinux 8
docker pull
# Build package locally
cd my-package-dir
rpmbuilder-docker my-package.spec
# Build package using build nodes
rpmbuilder-docker my-package.spec -r buildnode-ol7.acme.corp:2022 -r buildnode-ol8.acme.corp:2022 -k $(base64 -w0 ~/.ssh/buildnode)
Package build using build node image:
docker pull
docker run -e PUB_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/" -p 2038:2038 -d
cd my-package-dir
# Using local version of rpmbuilder (if you are use RHEL, Alma, Rocky, CentOS…)
rpmbuilder my-package.spec -r builder@localhost:2038 -k ~/.ssh/buildnode
# With docker helper script (any Linux distro or macOS)
rpmbuilder-docker my-package.spec -r builder@localhost:2038 -k $(base64 -w0 ~/.ssh/buildnode)
You can bootstrap your own build farm using Docker and rpmbuilder-farm
curl -fL# -o rpmbuilder-farm
chmod +x rpmbuilder-farm
sudo mv rpmbuilder-farm /usr/bin/
# Install farm script
sudo rpmbuilder-farm install
# Create user bob and add public key
sudo farm add-user bob
# Start all containers for user bob
sudo farm start bob
- You could define rpmbuilder options inside your specs (example). It very helpful for determining information about external sources.
- If you have a big bunch of default options, you can define them in the preferences file. More info.
- Since version 2.5.0 rpmbuilder provides automatic checksum generation feature. More info.
Usage: rpmbuilder {spec-file} {options}
Spec file:
You can define absolute or relative path to spec file. You also can define only spec name (without extension).
In this case, rpmbuilder try use {name}.spec file for build and try to find {name}.source file and use as
sources list.
Source packaging:
--pack, -p files Pack specified files to archive with default source name (mergeable)
--relative-pack, -R Use relative path in source archive instead of absolute
--source-dir, -sd path Path to a directory which contains source files specified in spec file
--source-list, -sl file Path to file which contains a list of source files specified in spec file
--dlcache, -dc dir Path to a directory for downloads caching
--download, -dl dir Download all remote sources to a specified directory
--no-validate, -nv Don't validate sources
--git url Fetch sources from Git repository
--svn url Fetch sources from SVN repository
--hg url Fetch sources from Mercurial repository
--bzr url Fetch sources from Bazaar repository
--path, -rp path Path to a directory with sources in repository
--branch, -rb branch Use specified repository branch
--revision, -rr rev Use specified revision
--tag, -rt tag Use specified tag
--svn-user, -su username Username for access to SVN repository
--svn-pass, -sp password Password for access to SVN repository
┌ --github, -gh url Fetch sources from repository by url
│ --github, -gh user:project Fetch sources from repository by user and project
└ --github, -gh user/project Fetch sources from repository by user and project
┌ --bitbucket, -bb url Fetch sources from repository by url
│ --bitbucket, -bb user:project Fetch sources from repository by user and project
└ --bitbucket, -bb user/project Fetch sources from repository by user and project
┌ --launchpad, -lp url Fetch sources from repository by url
└ --launchpad, -lp project-name Fetch sources from repository by project name
--gopack, -G url Fetch and pack golang sources using gopack
rpmbuilder package.spec -sl sources/current -d ~/mypackages
rpmbuilder package.spec --source-list files.list --dest ~/mypackages
rpmbuilder package.spec --pack "file1 file2 dir1 dir2 file3"
rpmbuilder package.spec -p "file1 file2" -p "dir1 dir2 file3" -p file4
rpmbuilder package.spec --git git:// --tag 1.3-12
rpmbuilder package.spec --git git:// -rb develop
rpmbuilder package.spec --git git:// -rr f8debbfdbebb97f5d0ee2218edf1425ac219cff5
rpmbuilder package.spec -bb user:project
rpmbuilder package.spec --github
rpmbuilder package.spec --gopack --tag v1.2.3
Dependencies install:
--install, -I Install build dependencies before build process
--install-latest, -IL Install the latest versions of build dependencies before build process
--enable-repo, -ER repo-name Enable repositories (mergeable)
--disable-repo, -DR repo-name Disable repositories (mergeable)
--exclude-package, -EX package Exclude package by name or glob (mergeable)
Remote build:
--parallel, -P Parallel build on all build nodes in the same time (tmux is required)
┌ --remote, -r user:pass@host:port Build rpm package on the remote node with specified host, username and password (mergeable)
└ --remote, -r file Build rpm package on the remote nodes listed in specified file
┌ --key, -k file Path to the private key for specified user
└ --key, -k data Base64-encoded private key for specified user
--node, -N index-or-name Node index or name from the file with build nodes
--attach, -A Attach to parallel build session in tmux
rpmbuilder package.spec -r builder@ -r builder@ -k ~/.ssh/id_rsa
rpmbuilder package.spec -r builder:mypass@ -k ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
rpmbuilder package.spec --remote ~/buildnodes.list --key ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
rpmbuilder package.spec --remote builder@ --key $(base64 -w0 ~/.ssh/id_ed25519)
rpmbuilder package.spec --parallel --remote ~/buildnodes.list --node 1,2
Build options:
--no-build, -NB Don't execute any build stages
--no-clean, -NC Don't remove source files and spec file after build
--no-deps, -ND Don't verify build dependencies
--no-binary, -NR Don't build binary packages
--no-source, -NS Don't build source package
--arch, -a arch Override target arch for a build
--qa-rpaths "<value>,<value>,..." Ignoring rpaths check
Arguments passing:
--with, -w param Pass conditional parameters into a rpmbuild (mergeable)
--without, -W param Pass conditional parameters into a rpmbuild (mergeable)
--define, -D "macro=value" Define MACRO with value (exist macro will be not redefined) (mergeable)
rpmbuilder package.spec --with ssl --with ldap
rpmbuilder package.spec -w ssl -w static -W ldap
rpmbuilder package.spec --with "ssl ldap"
rpmbuilder package.spec --define "install_dir=/some/dir" --define "service_user=someone"
More info:
Spec validation:
--no-lint, -0 Don't check spec file before package build
--strict, -1 Don't build package if perfecto found major problems in spec file
--pedantic, -2 Don't build package if perfecto found minor problems in spec file
--perfect, -3 Don't build package if perfecto found any problems in spec file
--sign, -s Sign package after build
--dest, -d dir Save built packages to a specified directory
--keep-log, -kl Save build log after an unsuccessful build
--bump, -b Bump release in spec file after a successful build
--bump-comment, -bc comment Comment which will be added while release bump
--tmp dir Path to a temporary directory (default: /var/tmp)
--verbose, -V Verbose output
--no-color, -nc Disable colors in output
--help, -h Show this help message
--version, -v Show information about version
Branch | Status |
master |
develop |
Before contributing to this project please read our Contributing Guidelines.