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为equatiohn/pde/linear_elasticity.py添加单元测试 (PaddlePaddle#416)
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ruoyunbai authored Jul 10, 2023
1 parent df5c8b9 commit 43714d3
Showing 1 changed file with 322 additions and 0 deletions.
322 changes: 322 additions & 0 deletions test/equation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
import paddle
import pytest
from paddle import nn

from ppsci import equation

def jacobian(y: paddle.Tensor, x: paddle.Tensor) -> paddle.Tensor:
return paddle.grad(y, x, create_graph=True)[0]

def hessian(y: paddle.Tensor, x: paddle.Tensor) -> paddle.Tensor:
return jacobian(jacobian(y, x), x)

def stress_disp_xx_expected_result(u, v, w, x, y, z, lambda_, mu, dim, sigma_xx):
stress_disp_xx = (
lambda_ * (jacobian(u, x) + jacobian(v, y)) + 2 * mu * jacobian(u, x) - sigma_xx
if dim == 3:
stress_disp_xx += lambda_ * jacobian(w, z)
return stress_disp_xx

def stress_disp_yy_expected_result(u, v, w, x, y, z, lambda_, mu, dim, sigma_yy):
stress_disp_yy = (
lambda_ * (jacobian(u, x) + jacobian(v, y)) + 2 * mu * jacobian(v, y) - sigma_yy
if dim == 3:
stress_disp_yy += lambda_ * jacobian(w, z)
return stress_disp_yy

def stress_disp_zz_expected_result(u, v, w, x, y, z, lambda_, mu, sigma_zz):
stress_disp_zz = (
lambda_ * (jacobian(u, x) + jacobian(v, y) + jacobian(w, z))
+ 2 * mu * jacobian(w, z)
- sigma_zz
return stress_disp_zz

def stress_disp_xy_expected_result(u, v, x, y, mu, sigma_xy):
stress_disp_xy = mu * (jacobian(u, y) + jacobian(v, x)) - sigma_xy
return stress_disp_xy

def stress_disp_xz_expected_result(u, w, x, z, mu, sigma_xz):
stress_disp_xz = mu * (jacobian(u, z) + jacobian(w, x)) - sigma_xz
return stress_disp_xz

def stress_disp_yz_expected_result(v, w, y, z, mu, sigma_yz):
stress_disp_yz = mu * (jacobian(v, z) + jacobian(w, y)) - sigma_yz
return stress_disp_yz

def equilibrium_x_expected_result(
u, x, y, z, t, rho, dim, time, sigma_xx, sigma_xy, sigma_xz=None
equilibrium_x = -jacobian(sigma_xx, x) - jacobian(sigma_xy, y)
if dim == 3:
equilibrium_x -= jacobian(sigma_xz, z)
if time:
equilibrium_x += rho * hessian(u, t)
return equilibrium_x

def equilibrium_y_expected_result(
v, x, y, z, t, rho, dim, time, sigma_yy, sigma_xy, sigma_yz=None
equilibrium_y = -jacobian(sigma_xy, x) - jacobian(sigma_yy, y)
if dim == 3:
equilibrium_y -= jacobian(sigma_yz, z)
if time:
equilibrium_y += rho * hessian(v, t)
return equilibrium_y

def equilibrium_z_expected_result(
w, x, y, z, t, rho, time, sigma_xz, sigma_yz, sigma_zz
equilibrium_z = (
-jacobian(sigma_xz, x) - jacobian(sigma_yz, y) - jacobian(sigma_zz, z)
if time:
equilibrium_z += rho * hessian(w, t)
return equilibrium_z

def traction_x_expected_result(
normal_x, normal_y, sigma_xx, sigma_xy, normal_z=None, sigma_xz=None
traction_x = normal_x * sigma_xx + normal_y * sigma_xy
if normal_z is not None and sigma_xz is not None:
traction_x += normal_z * sigma_xz
return traction_x

def traction_y_expected_result(
normal_x, normal_y, sigma_xy, sigma_yy, normal_z=None, sigma_yz=None
traction_y = normal_x * sigma_xy + normal_y * sigma_yy
if normal_z is not None and sigma_yz is not None:
traction_y += normal_z * sigma_yz
return traction_y

def traction_z_expected_result(
normal_x, normal_y, normal_z, sigma_xz, sigma_yz, sigma_zz
traction_z = normal_x * sigma_xz + normal_y * sigma_yz + normal_z * sigma_zz
return traction_z

def navier_x_expected_result(u, v, w, x, y, z, t, lambda_, mu, rho, dim, time):
duxvywz = jacobian(u, x) + jacobian(v, y)
duxxuyyuzz = hessian(u, x) + hessian(u, y)
if dim == 3:
duxvywz += jacobian(w, z)
duxxuyyuzz += hessian(u, z)
navier_x = -(lambda_ + mu) * jacobian(duxvywz, x) - mu * duxxuyyuzz
if time:
navier_x += rho * hessian(u, t)
return navier_x

def navier_y_expected_result(u, v, w, x, y, z, t, lambda_, mu, rho, dim, time):
duxvywz = jacobian(u, x) + jacobian(v, y)
dvxxvyyvzz = hessian(v, x) + hessian(v, y)
if dim == 3:
duxvywz += jacobian(w, z)
dvxxvyyvzz += hessian(v, z)
navier_y = -(lambda_ + mu) * jacobian(duxvywz, y) - mu * dvxxvyyvzz
if time:
navier_y += rho * hessian(v, t)
return navier_y

def navier_z_expected_result(u, v, w, x, y, z, t, lambda_, mu, rho, time):
duxvywz = jacobian(u, x) + jacobian(v, y) + jacobian(w, z)
dwxxvyyvzz = hessian(w, x) + hessian(w, y) + hessian(w, z)
navier_z = -(lambda_ + mu) * jacobian(duxvywz, z) - mu * dwxxvyyvzz
if time:
navier_z += rho * hessian(w, t)
return navier_z

"E, nu, lambda_, mu, rho, dim, time",
(None, None, 1e3, 1e3, 1, 2, False),
(None, None, 1e3, 1e3, 1, 2, True),
(None, None, 1e3, 1e3, 1, 3, False),
(None, None, 1e3, 1e3, 1, 3, True),
def test_linear_elasticity(E, nu, lambda_, mu, rho, dim, time):
batch_size = 13
x = paddle.randn([batch_size, 1])
y = paddle.randn([batch_size, 1])
z = paddle.randn([batch_size, 1]) if dim == 3 else None
t = paddle.randn([batch_size, 1]) if time else None
normal_x = paddle.randn([batch_size, 1])
normal_y = paddle.randn([batch_size, 1])
normal_z = paddle.randn([batch_size, 1]) if dim == 3 else None

x.stop_gradient = False
y.stop_gradient = False
if time:
t.stop_gradient = False
if dim == 3:
z.stop_gradient = False

input_data = paddle.concat([x, y], axis=1)
if time:
input_data = paddle.concat([t, input_data], axis=1)
if dim == 3:
input_data = paddle.concat([input_data, z], axis=1)

model = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_data.shape[1], 9 if dim == 3 else 5),

output = model(input_data)

u, v, *other_outputs = paddle.split(output, num_or_sections=output.shape[1], axis=1)

if dim == 3:
w = other_outputs[0]
sigma_xx, sigma_xy, sigma_xz, sigma_yy, sigma_yz, sigma_zz = other_outputs[1:]
w = None
sigma_xx, sigma_xy, sigma_yy = other_outputs[0:3]
sigma_xz, sigma_yz, sigma_zz = None, None, None

expected_stress_disp_xx = stress_disp_xx_expected_result(
u, v, w, x, y, z, lambda_, mu, dim, sigma_xx
expected_stress_disp_yy = stress_disp_yy_expected_result(
u, v, w, x, y, z, lambda_, mu, dim, sigma_yy
expected_stress_disp_xy = stress_disp_xy_expected_result(u, v, x, y, mu, sigma_xy)
expected_equilibrium_x = equilibrium_x_expected_result(
u, x, y, z, t, rho, dim, time, sigma_xx, sigma_xy, sigma_xz
expected_equilibrium_y = equilibrium_y_expected_result(
v, x, y, z, t, rho, dim, time, sigma_yy, sigma_xy, sigma_yz
expected_traction_x = traction_x_expected_result(
normal_x, normal_y, sigma_xx, sigma_xy, normal_z, sigma_xz
expected_traction_y = traction_y_expected_result(
normal_x, normal_y, sigma_xy, sigma_yy, normal_z, sigma_yz
expected_navier_x = navier_x_expected_result(
u, v, w, x, y, z, t, lambda_, mu, rho, dim, time
expected_navier_y = navier_y_expected_result(
u, v, w, x, y, z, t, lambda_, mu, rho, dim, time
if dim == 3:
expected_stress_disp_zz = stress_disp_zz_expected_result(
u, v, w, x, y, z, lambda_, mu, sigma_zz
expected_stress_disp_xz = stress_disp_xz_expected_result(
u, w, x, z, mu, sigma_xz
expected_stress_disp_yz = stress_disp_yz_expected_result(
v, w, y, z, mu, sigma_yz
expected_equilibrium_z = equilibrium_z_expected_result(
w, x, y, z, t, rho, time, sigma_xz, sigma_yz, sigma_zz
expected_navier_z = navier_z_expected_result(
u, v, w, x, y, z, t, lambda_, mu, rho, time
expected_traction_z = traction_z_expected_result(
normal_x, normal_y, normal_z, sigma_xz, sigma_yz, sigma_zz

linear_elasticity = equation.LinearElasticity(
E=E, nu=nu, lambda_=lambda_, mu=mu, rho=rho, dim=dim, time=time

data_dict = {
"x": x,
"y": y,
"u": u,
"v": v,
"z": z,
"w": w,
"t": t,
"sigma_xx": sigma_xx,
"sigma_xy": sigma_xy,
"sigma_xz": sigma_xz,
"sigma_yy": sigma_yy,
"sigma_yz": sigma_yz,
"sigma_zz": sigma_zz,
"normal_x": normal_x,
"normal_y": normal_y,
"normal_z": normal_z,

test_output_names = [

if dim == 3:

test_output = {}
for name in test_output_names:
test_output[name] = linear_elasticity.equations[name](data_dict)

expected_output = {
"stress_disp_xx": expected_stress_disp_xx,
"stress_disp_yy": expected_stress_disp_yy,
"stress_disp_xy": expected_stress_disp_xy,
"equilibrium_x": expected_equilibrium_x,
"equilibrium_y": expected_equilibrium_y,
"navier_x": expected_navier_x,
"navier_y": expected_navier_y,
"traction_x": expected_traction_x,
"traction_y": expected_traction_y,
if dim == 3:
"stress_disp_zz": expected_stress_disp_zz,
"stress_disp_xz": expected_stress_disp_xz,
"stress_disp_yz": expected_stress_disp_yz,
"equilibrium_z": expected_equilibrium_z,
"navier_z": expected_navier_z,
"traction_z": expected_traction_z,

for name in test_output_names:
assert paddle.allclose(expected_output[name], test_output[name])

if __name__ == "__main__":

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