In this project you can find an example integration of ROSbot XL with OpenManipulatorX based on MoveIt2. It includes servo mode configuration, which allows controlling manipulator with a gamepad.
To simplify the execution of this project, we are utilizing just.
Install it with:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sudo bash -s -- --to /usr/bin
This repository contains the Docker Compose setup for both PC and ROSbot XL. You can clone it to both PC and ROSbot XL, or use the ./
script to clone it to your PC and keep it synchronized with the robot
git clone
cd rosbot-xl-manipulation
export ROSBOT_ADDR= # Replace with your own ROSbot's IP or Husarnet hostname
To flash the Micro-ROS based firmware for STM32F4 microcontroller responisble for low-level functionalities of ROSbot XL, execute in the ROSbot's shell:
just flash
Edit net.env
file and uncomment on of the configs:
# =======================================
# Network config options (uncomment one)
# =======================================
# 1. Fast DDS + LAN
# RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_cpp
# 2. Cyclone DDS + LAN
# RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
# 3. Fast DDS + VPN
# 4. Cyclone DDS + VPN
# RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
# FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE=/husarnet-fastdds.xml
# CYCLONEDDS_URI=file:///husarnet-cyclonedds.xml
VPN connection
If you choose to use the VPN option, both your ROSbot XL and laptop must be connected to the same Husarnet network.
If they are not, follow this guide:
To ensure proper hardware configuration, review the content of the .env
# =======================================
# Hardware config
# =======================================
The default options should be suitable. Notes:
- Make sure to add the following line:
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6014", SYMLINK+="ttyMANIPULATOR"
to your robot's udev rules, so that manipulator will be available under/dev/ttyMANIPULATOR
- Set
according to the baud rate that is set in servos (by default this value should be set to 1000000, you can check/change this value in the Dynamixel Wizard 2.0)
First connect a gamepad to the USB port of your PC/laptop, open a new terminal on the PC and run:
just pc
After running the following command servos' torque will be turned on, first lift the manipulator, so it won't be in collision with your robot.
In the ROSbot's terminal execute (in /home/husarion/rosbot-xl-manipulation
just rosbot
Please note that manipulator controls can be changed by editing
in the config directory. It is also possible to configure ROSbot XL control (joy2twist.yaml
First make sure that gamepad is in the Direct Input Mode (switch in front with letters D and X, select D).
- manipulator's dead man's switchLB
- ROSbot control dead man's switch (with this button pressed you can control ROSbot XL, for specific commands please refer to the documentation of the joy2twist node)Start
- return the manipulator to the Home positionLeft Joy
- moving end effector in X/Y directionsRight Joy
- moving end effector in the Z direction (Up/Down) and changing Pitch angle (Left/Right)Left/Right arrow
- moving joint1 of the manipulatorUp/Down arrow
- moving joint2 of the manipulatorX/B button
- moving joint3 of the manipulatorY/A
- moving joint4 of the manipulatorRT
- close gripperLT
- open gripper
The cartesian coordinate frame was defined to be in the link2
- that's why the Y direction is actually yaw rotation.
If the manipulator stops moving it could be near collision (may not appear so, because collision bounds are larger than the robot) or singularity. If that happens the easiest option is to press Start
so that the manipulator will return to the Home position.
Apart from a gamepad, it is also possible to control the manipulator using MoveIt's MotionPlanning plugin in the RViz.
The torque of the manipulator can be turned off by executing the following service call in one of the containers:
ros2 service call /controller_manager/set_hardware_component_state \
controller_manager_msgs/srv/SetHardwareComponentState \
"{name: 'manipulator', target_state: {id: 0, label: 'inactive'}}"
It is not recommended to later turn it on using service, as the last commanded position is remembered and the manipulator will attempt to return to it upon enabling torque. Instead you should restart the container.
file uses NVIDIA Container Runtime. Make sure you have NVIDIA GPU and the NVIDIA Container Toolkit installed.
Start the containers in a new terminal:
xhost +local:docker && \
docker compose -f compose.sim.gazebo.yaml up
Collision for the manipulator is disabled in Gazebo Ignition - there aren't any collision models available for OpenManipulatorX, in the official configuration visual meshes are used also for collision, which causes a large drop in the real-time factor of the simulation.
In simulation servo position control is used instead of velocity (due to a bug, which causes the manipulator to fall just after start). As a result homing manipulator from joy_servo isn't supported.