Bank Checking Transactions is a sample Spring Boot project that demonstrates how to leverage Spring Boot and Postgres to accomplish the task of storing transactions and checking balances. It uses a couple different interfaces, including REST, GraphQL, and Apache Kafka. There are also some management tools such as PgAdmin, Influx, and Kafka Admin Portal to manage the dependent infrastructure. Test Driven Development (TDD) was used to develop the application. Additoinal libries were used, including Lombok, Jakarta Bean Validation, Hibernate Validator, and JPA.
You can find the task board here.
You can find the database diagram here or here.
This API consumes transactions with a RESTful interface. Visit the OpenAPI spec for integration details.
Created with Spring Boot inilitizr, the following dependencies were added.
- Lombok
- Spring Boot Dev Tools
- Spring Configuration Processor
- Docker Compose Support
- Spring Web
- Spring for GraphQL
- PostgreSQL Driver
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Influx
- Spring for Apache Kafka
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3.1.2
- Gradle
Install the proper extenstions. Download jdk 17 and install. Install gradle. Update your settings.json
to include your jdk classpath.
"java.configuration.runtimes": [
"name": "JavaSE-17",
"path": "/home/husseinroot/jdk/amazon-corretto-",
"default": true
"java.configuration.updateBuildConfiguration": "automatic",
"java.compile.nullAnalysis.mode": "automatic",
"java.format.settings.url": "eclipse-formatter.xml",
"[java]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.organizeImports": true,
Alt + Shift + F or save document to format your java file. Alt + Shift + O or save document to optimize your imports for Windows. option + Shift + O or save document to optimize your imports for Mac.
Note: You may have issues with Intellisence detecting static imports.
To get influx running, cd influx
and docker run -p 8086:8086 -v myInfluxVolume:/var/lib/influxdb2 influxdb:latest
To start your database, run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
. Then login with user postgres
and password example
. Setup a username, password, organization name, and API Token. Then update the local application.yml
with the credentials. You may have issues if you're running everything from within a WSL2 environement - try running ip addr
and getting the eth0 IP, and using that as your host.
To start Kafka, you first need to update the docker-compose.yml
file under ./kafka/docker-compose.yml
. You need to update the volumes to a path where kafka can mount its data. You need to give kafka permission to access this folder. So run sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /path/to/kafka-persistence
. In my case, it would be /home/husseinroot/dev/bank-checking-transactions/kafka/dir
. Notice, in application.yml
under spring.kafak.bootstrap-servers
the value is kafka:9092
. This is using the docker container networking, meaning you can use the container name as the hostname.
Using Jakarta Validatoin (the interface, previously known as javax) and Hibernate Validator for bean validation. Jackson does not support things like null checks on json fields (
POST /transaction
"transaction" : {
"checkingAccountId" : "12345",
"amount" : 1234,
"createdAt" : "2023-09-04T14:30:00.123+03:00"
You may need to make your gradle file executable, so sudo chmod +x ./gradlew
. Set your JAVA_HOME
by export JAVA_HOME=/home/husseinroot/jdk/amazon-corretto-