Tiny canvas boilerplate/quickstarter. Why? Because p5.js is too big for our small use case. And it's too magical for newbies like me learning the Canvas for the first time.
It's best to learn the basics first and build a solid foundation, and then learn the abstractions or libraries.
npm install simple-scene@next
CDN link: https://unpkg.com/simple-scene@next
Copy 👉 paste 👉 modify the following:
import { createScene } from 'simple-scene'
createScene((m) => {
let t = m.TWO_PI / 4
return {
// Only runs initially
setup() {
let { ctx } = this
ctx.fillStyle = '#15151f'
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.CVS_WIDTH, this.CVS_HEIGHT)
// Runs on every frame (requestAnimation frame)
draw() {
let { ctx } = this
const { CVS_CENTER_X, CVS_CENTER_Y } = this
let x = Math.cos(-t)
let y = Math.sin(-t)
let hsl = `hsl(${t * 80}, 100%, 50%)`
ctx.arc(CVS_CENTER_X + x * 200, CVS_CENTER_Y + y * 200, 10, 0, m.TWO_PI)
ctx.fillStyle = hsl
t += m.TWO_PI / 400
More examples can be found here
import { createScene } from 'simple-scene'
createScene(sceneFn, sceneOptions?, sceneId?)
// Required
let sceneFn : SceneFn = (constants: MathConstants) => {
return {
// Runs only once, initially,
setup(this: SceneRef) {}
// Runs on every frame (requestAnimationFrame)
draw(this: SceneRef) {}
// Optional, defaults to this
let sceneOptions : SceneOptions = {
canvas: {
width: 'VIEWPORT', // Or number
height: 'VIEWPORT', // Or number
// Margin round the canvas
marginX: 0,
// Margin round the canvas
// Adds a checkbox to toggle `draw` function animation
toggle: true,
// Runs `setup` whenever the window is resized
resetOnResize: true,
// Starts animating by default.
// If set to false, only `setup` function will run initially.
// And the actual animation can be run via toggle checkbox or from `setup`
// function programatically.
startAnimating: true,
// Where to mount the canvas
root: document.body,
// Optional - Must be unique. There can't be two scenes with the same id
let sceneId = 'my_first_scene'
git clone git@github.com:husseyexplores/simple-scene.git
cd simple-scene
npm install
npm run dev
simple-scene entrypoint: /src/createScene.ts
front-end entrypoint: /examples/1.js