This is the hu:toma implementation of word2vec, as a service that takes an array of words and returns the vectorisation of those words, or null in the case of an unknown word.
Once the service has been built and started per the 'Build and Test' section of this Readme, the primary endpoint is '/words' which can be accessed on your local machine from http://localhost:9090/words
An example of this request is:
{"words" : ["word1", "word2"]}
With this expected response, in the case that we do not have a vectorisation for 'word2':
{"vectors":{"word1":[...], "word2":null}}
With the same payload you can use the '/unk_words' endpoint to discover which words don't have vectorisations stored.
There are additional endpoints '/health', and '/reload', which will return the service health and reload the source data file respectively.
To run a local build of this project, you will need:
- Docker
First, the data needs to be acquired and transformed into the correct format for the word2vec container to be created. We use pre-trained word vectors, further pickled to speedup the loading process. You can get the pickled files from our Google public bucket, for the following languages:
- English:
- Spanish:
- Italian:
(Note that you can only use one language per Word2Vec service, but you can have multiple instances of the service, each one supporting a different language)
Create a folder src/datasets
and move the .pkl file into it.
Build the docker container with:
cd src
docker build -t word2vec .
To run the image, run:
docker run \
-p 9090:9090 \
-v $(pwd)/tests:/tests -v $(pwd)/datasets:/datasets:ro \
-e "W2V_SERVER_PORT=9090" -e "W2V_VECTOR_FILE=/datasets/glove.840B.300d.pkl" -e "W2V_LANGUAGE=en"\
(for the W2V_VECTOR_FILE
environment variable, make sure you use the appropriate downloaded .pkl file, and for W2V_LANGUAGE
the corresponding language)
To check that the service is running, try:
curl -vv http://localhost:9090/health
And you should get a 200 OK response.
To use different languages, or different pre-trained Word2Vec word vectors, you will need to generate the .pkl file in a format the service understands. For this you will need:
- Python 3.7
- pipenv From the Stanford github page,, acquire and extract the text file somewhere.
To pre-process the file, from the scripts/generate_docker_dataset directory, execute:
pipenv install
pipenv shell
We can now run the script to create the pkl file used for the container.
python {path_to_glove.txt} glove
Now you can use the generated file with Word2Vec.
To contribute to this project you can choose an existing issue to work on, or create a new issue for the bug or improvement you wish to make, assuming it's approval and submit a pull request from a fork into our master branch.
Once the validation build has completed successfully and a user from the approved list is satisfied with the code review, your changes will be merged into the master branch.