Những câu thơ ngẫu nhiên trong Truyện Kiều - Nguyễn Du (bản Kinh Tự Đức 1870)
Ngẫm từ dấy việc binh đao,
Đống xương Vô Định đã cao bằng đầu.
(Dòng 2493-2494) Truyện Kiều -- Nguyễn Du
/ “They say we live in hard times. They say \
| the world is full of suffering and pain |
| and ignorance and violence. But is that |
| not better than helpless, grinned and |
| beared mediocrity? Is this not the time of |
| opportunity? When will we learn the |
| importance of peace, if not in war? When |
| will we learn the importance of loving |
| ourselves except through self-hatred? How |
| else will we come together except to |
| realize how we hurt when we are apart? The |
| world is not full of horror. It is full of |
| opportunity. It is not lacking in love. It |
| is hungry for it. So eat. So feed.” |
| |
\ -- Vironika Tugaleva /
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