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Daisy Documentation

This documentation is build by Jupyter Book.

Build the book’s HTML

The book's content is put in book folder and the book's structure is defined in _toc.yml.

By running the following command can build the HTML for the book.:

jupyter-book build mybookname/

This will generate a fully-functioning HTML site using a static site generator. The site will be placed in the _build/html folder, something like this:

    └── html
       ├── _images
       ├── _static
       ├── index.html
       ├── intro.html

These are the static files for a standalone website! They contain the HTML and all assets needed to view your book in a browser.

You can open the pages in the site by navigating to that folder and opening the html files with your web browser.

:::{note} You can also use the short-hand jb for jupyter-book. E.g.,: jb build mybookname/. :::

Publish the book online with GitHub Pages

We have just pushed the source files for our book into our GitHub repository. This makes it publicly accessible for you or others to see.

Next, we'll publish the build artifact of our book online, so that it is rendered as a website.

The easiest way to use GitHub Pages with your built HTML is to use the ghp-import package. ghp-import is a lightweight Python package that makes it easy to push HTML content to a GitHub repository.

ghp-import works by copying all of the contents of your built book (i.e., the _build/html folder) to a branch of your repository called gh-pages, and pushes it to GitHub. The gh-pages branch will be created and populated automatically for you by ghp-import. To use ghp-import to host your book online with GitHub Pages follow the steps below:

Before performing the below steps, ensure that HTML has been built for each page of your book
(see {doc}`the previous section <../start/build>`). There should be a collection of HTML
files in your book's `_build/html` folder.
  1. Install ghp-import

    pip install ghp-import
  2. Update the settings for your GitHub pages site:

    a. Use the gh-pages branch to host your website.

    b. Choose root directory / if you're building the book in it's own repository. Choose /docs directory if you're building documentation with jupyter-book.

  3. From the main branch of your book's root directory (which should contain the _build/html folder) call ghp-import and point it to your HTML files, like so:

    ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html
Make sure that you included the `-n` - this tells GitHub *not* to build your book with
[Jekyll](, which we don't want because our HTML is already built!
If you do not do this you may see **404 not found** for your deployed content.

Typically after a few minutes your site should be viewable online at a url such as: https://<user><myonlinebook>/. If not, check your repository settings under Options -> GitHub Pages to ensure that the gh-pages branch is configured as the build source for GitHub Pages and/or to find the url address GitHub is building for you.

To update your online book, make changes to your book's content on the main branch of your repository, re-build your book with jupyter-book build mybookname/ and then use ghp-import -n -p -f mylocalbook/_build/html as before to push the newly built HTML to the gh-pages branch.

Note this warning from the [`ghp-import` GitHub repository](
"...*`ghp-import` will DESTROY your gh-pages branch... and assumes that the `gh-pages` branch is 100% derivative. You should never edit files in your `gh-pages` branch by hand if you're using this script...*"