BEAT 1.1.1
- chain initialisation with lsq solution for seismic data
- resolution based discretization:
- add improved method of Atzori et al. 2019
- automatic damping estimation
- add Tutorial 4b to demonstrate the usage and functionality
- 3d_slip_distribution: allows plotting of selected segments, slip-deficit, coupling, slip_variation
- gnss_fits: added Variance Reduction histograms if nensemble > 1
- slip_distribution: common colorscale and spatial scale accross subfaults
- moment_rate: adjusted size and formatting to be publication ready
- correlation_hist: plot source related correlations for nsources > 1, colorcoding
- docs: rename former example 4 to example 4a
- Bin backend: loading of traces with corrupt file header
- beat import: just import sampled variables
- RingFaultSource: allow sampling of slip-direction (sign)