Releases: hvasbath/beat
Releases · hvasbath/beat
BEAT 1.2.0
Contributors: Mahdi Hamidbeygi @mahdihamidbeygi, Hannes Vasyura-Bathke @hvasbath
- polarity module/composite/dataset-type for inference of wave onset polarities
- joint inference of P, Sh and Sv wave-polarities
- drawing of piercing points on fuzzyBB plot if polarity data exists
- drawing of fuzzyBBs for Sh and Sv waves
- add tutorial Example 8 for polarity inference
Amplitude Spectra
- added string-choice
to WaveMaps to choosetime
domain for inference - plotting: added spectra fits in waveform fits plot
Continuous Integration (CI)
- adapted installation scheme to fulfill PEP517 through pip and .toml
- providing beat binary packages on PyPi
- github actions workflow for code formatting and wheel building
- pre-commit hooks for spellchecking, black, formatting
- split plotting module into plotting directory with submodules
- plotting: stage_posteriors change hist color to grey if only single density is shown
- plotting: fuzzyBB dashed white and black line instead of red for MAP
- docs: updated (short) installation instructions to use the package manager pip instead of
BEAT 1.1.1
- chain initialisation with lsq solution for seismic data
- resolution based discretization:
- add improved method of Atzori et al. 2019
- automatic damping estimation
- add Tutorial 4b to demonstrate the usage and functionality
- 3d_slip_distribution: allows plotting of selected segments, slip-deficit, coupling, slip_variation
- gnss_fits: added Variance Reduction histograms if nensemble > 1
- slip_distribution: common colorscale and spatial scale accross subfaults
- moment_rate: adjusted size and formatting to be publication ready
- correlation_hist: plot source related correlations for nsources > 1, colorcoding
- docs: rename former example 4 to example 4a
- Bin backend: loading of traces with corrupt file header
- beat import: just import sampled variables
- RingFaultSource: allow sampling of slip-direction (sign)
BEAT 1.1.0
- added export method to geodetic data composite
- added functionality for multi-event estimation that are seperated longer time and waveforms are not stacked
- Wavemaps have quantity argument that allow for sampling in displacement, velocity or acceleration space
- added get_variance_reductions method to seismic composite
Tensile Dislocations
- added the opening_fraction argument to the RectangularSource to allow to model tensile opening/closing
- for geometry mode, as well as ffi mode to estimate distributed opening / closing
Finite Fault
- discretization options for the fault into patches:
- uniform
- resolution based (after Atzori & Antonioli 2011 GJI) for geodetic data valid only
- support for multiple subfaults in FFI mode:
- Laplacian smoothing with different functional forms:
- distance based:
** Gaussian
** Exponential (after Radiget et al. 2011) - only neighbors:
** nearest_neighbor for single subfault only
- distance based:
- geodetic data
- seismic data with nucleation point for each subfault
- Laplacian smoothing with different functional forms:
- allow for station corrections
- easier fault geometry setup:
- beat check --what=geometry allows to pipe fault setup into Talpa for GUI interactive fault editing
- beat import --results=saved_geometry.yaml --mode=ffi imports the saved_geometry.yaml to the beat config_ffi
- generalized hierarchical corrections to support various types:
- geodetic:
- ramps
- Euler pole rotation
- geodetic:
- slip_distribution allows for variable patch-size
- plot gnss_fits for horizontal and vertical GNSS components
- waveform misfits:
- with plot_projection =individual allows to get individual source contributions
- added variance reduction histograms on top right
- added time-shift histograms on bottom left (if they were sampled)
- new station map with GMT, allows time shift plotting
- FFI exports geometry object for fast and easy interactive inspection in sparrow
- Lune plot for moment tensors (Tape and Tape 2015)
- filter attribute in wavemaps is now a list of filter objects which allows to chain several filters
- extended support for GNSS data from globk
- SMC saving of sampler state does not dump full model graph
- multiprocess FFI performance increase
- MTQTSource magnitude scaling
BEAT 1.0.0
Initial release allowing:
- estimate non-linear parameters of elastic deformation sources
- finite fault inversion with distributed slip on uniformly discretized planar faults
- in layered/homogeneous elastic media
- supported datatypes:
- geodetic (InSAR, GNSS)
- seismic (seismic waveforms)
- Bayesian Inference with hierarchical residual estimation
- several sampling algorithms:
- Adaptive Metropolis Hastings
- Parallel Tempering (Replica Exchange)
- Sequential Monte Carlo
- included plotting