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SDK Examples

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Usage examples for Qualcomm's extensions to OpenCL.

Building for Android

There's a few things you'll need:

  • The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) tree set up to build for your target device.
  • Appropriate kernel headers (linux/ion.h and linux/msm_ion.h)
  • A libOpenCL module defined by an file.

More on those below. Once everything is set up just run mma in this directory to build all the examples.

Where do I get kernel headers?

If your target device's kernel has the appropriate headers, they still need to be in a location where the Android build system can discover them. One way to ensure this is to build a bootimage, which will export the appropriate files:

> make bootimage

Where do I get the libOpenCL module?

At the time of this writing libOpenCL is not available as part of Google's prebuilt graphics libraries releases for Qualcomm devices. If you are lucky enough to have it anyway, then you shouldn't need to do anything. Running mma in this directory will build all dependencies, including libOpenCL.

I don't have the libOpenCL module, can I still use these examples?

Maybe, if you have the binary for your device to link against, but it's not for the faint of heart. Provided here is a CMakeLists.txt file and a script that can be used as a starting point, but there's no guarantee it will work for your target device. You'll still need the AOSP tree for the kernel headers, so go get it if you don't have it.

Find taka-no-me's android-cmake project online and clone it into the android-cmake directory here.

All of these examples use ION buffers, so you'll still need appropriate ION headers. Find where your target device's msm_ion.h and ion.h headers are. For example you might see them at $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/hardware/qcom/<target-device>/kernel-headers/linux where <target-device> should be replaced by your target device. You'll include this directory in the header search path.

You'll also need the Android NDK, Revision 11c. The specific version is important.

Then run the build script, substituting the paths specific to your build environment:

ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/android-ndk-r11c \
OPEN_CL_LIB=/path/to/ \
ION_INCLUDE_PATH=$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/hardware/qcom/<target-device>/kernel-headers/linux \

<BITNESS> should be 32 or 64 depending on your target architecture.


Building will produce a set of binaries. Run each one without arguments to see a help message and description of what it does. Most binaries take an input image in the format described above -- several sample images are given in the example_images directory, which contains arbitrary data (e.g. it is not visually interesting).


src/examples/basic directory


A very basic example to test out building. It simply copies one file to another.

qcom_block_match_sad.cpp, qcom_block_match_ssd.cpp, qcom_box_filter_image.cpp, qcom_convolve_image.cpp

These examples all demonstrate basic usage for the named built-in extension functions. Look here for minimal examples of how to use the extensions.

compressed_image_nv12.cpp, compressed_image_rgba.cpp

Demonstrates use of compressed images using Qualcomm extensions to OpenCL. The input image is compressed and then decompressed, with the result written to the specified output file for comparison. (The compression is not lossy so they are identical.)

Compressed image formats may be saved to disk, however be advised that the format is specific to each GPU.

The two examples show compression for NV12 and RGBA images.


The examples in this directory show how to use Bayer-ordered images and packed MIPI data formats.

Bayer-ordered images have one red, green or blue value per pixel, and the pixels are interleaved in a mosaic pattern. In order to get an equivalent RGB image one must "demosaic" the image by interpolating the missing red, green, and blue values. Bayer-ordered images are addressed by 2x2 blocks of such pixels, where each block has one red and blue value, and two green values. A Bayer-ordered image may also be addressed as a single-channel (CL_R) image to get one color channel at a time.

bayer_mipi10_to_rgba.cpp and unpacked_bayer_to_rgba.cpp both demonstrate one scheme for demosaicing. The former uses the packed MIPI10 format, and the latter uses an unpacked 10-bit format (held in a 16-bit int with 6 bits unused). Both use Bayer-ordered images to exploit the GPU's interpolation capabilities without mixing different color channels. The destination format has 8-bits per channel, so some precision is lost.

mipi10_to_unpacked.cpp and unpacked_to_mipi10.cpp demonstrate using the MIPI10 data format with a single-channel CL_R order. The former converts a packed MIPI10 image into an unpacked 10-bit image. The latter shows the unpacked-to-packed conversion.


The examples in this directory show conversions to and from various image formats.



Demonstrates efficient convolution without the use of built-in extension functions.


Demonstrates efficient convolution with the qcom_convolve_imagef built-in extension function.


These examples compute the 2-dimensional fast Fourier transform (2D FFT) of an image or matrix using the in-place Cooley-Tukey algorithm. First in the "row pass" each work group calculates the 1D FFT of a row, by reading initial data from global memory into local memory, and calculating intermediate results in-place using local memory. The final result is written to global memory in transposed order. This procedure is then repeated in a "column pass" that acts on the rows of the result of the first pass. Calculating the 1D FFTs back-to-back in this way is equal to the 2D FFT.

For the image-based version, the input is an 8-bit per channel NV12 image, and the outputs are two single-channel images with a 32-bit float data type. The outputs contain the real and imaginary parts of the FFT. The example acts on the Y-plane only.

The buffer-based version takes a real-valued matrix as input (specified as below), and produces two matrices as the output holding the real and imaginary parts of the FFT.


These simple examples demonstrate using the IO-coherent host cache policy for ION buffers. Both examples simply copy a specified file or image. Except for the parameters used to create the ION buffers, there is no difference in the host or kernel code compared to using uncached ION buffers.


Demonstrates some basic linear algebra operations:

  • Matrix addition
  • Matrix multiplication
  • Matrix transposition

The transposition and multiplication examples come in two flavors, one using OpenCL buffers and another that packs the matrices into 2D images. It is not a foregone conclusion that using an image or a buffer will enjoy better performance in any given use case, so generally one must try and see what works best.

The image versions of both examples pad irregularly sized matrices, both because images have per-row alignment requirements and because this permits an efficient tiled algorithm to be applied uniformly. This approach can use substantially more memory than the buffer-based version.

In contrast, the buffer versions do not pad the input matrices. They use an efficient tiled algorithm where possible, and a less efficient algorithm to calculate the remaining portion of the output not covered by the tiled algorithm.

The multiplication examples additionally have a "half" variant, that demonstrates using the 16-bit half-float data type. The input, output and arithmetic all use half-floats. This can be a significant performance advantage, although it introduces more error. One may mix use of floats and half-floats to achieve the desired performance/accuracy trade off.


All examples in this directory demonstrate a variety of kernels using vector read and write operations for the given image formats.

Image data format

Input and output images have the following format, where multi-byte data types are written with the least significant byte first:

  • 4 bytes: plane width in pixels (unsigned integer)
  • 4 bytes: plane height (unsigned integer)
  • 4 bytes: OpenCL channel data type.
  • 4 bytes: OpenCL channel order.
  • N bytes: pixel data, where N is dependent on the preceding four values.

Matrix data format

Matrices used by the examples in the linear_algebra directory have the following plain text format:

  • Two integers separated by whitespace indicating the number of columns and rows of the matrix.
  • A sequence of whitespace-separated floating point element values in row-major order.

For example, the following represents a 3x2 matrix:

2 3
1.0 2.0
3.1 4.1
6   0


The note of Qualcomm OpenCL SDK






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  • C++ 85.7%
  • C 11.8%
  • Other 2.5%