List of all major exam projects completed as part of my MSc in Business Administration and Data Science
Course Name: Machine Learning and Deep Learning (CDSCO1004E)
Project Title: Predicting Used Car Prices and Analysing Value Drivers for Auto1 - A Comparative Study of Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
- Deliverable: Python ML pipeline used to predict prices of used cars
- Tools, languages and libraries: Python (Pandas, SciKit-Learn, XGBoost, Pycaret)
- Grade: 12
- Authors: Aaron Wolf, Mads Hvidberg, Michel Meyer, Tim Becker
Course Name: Natural Language Processing (CDSCO1002E)
Project Title: Joint Topic and Sentiment Modelling for a Comparative Assessment of Product Lines - Leveraging Consumer-Generated Data for Disney World’s Theme Parks Across Digital Platforms
- Deliverable: Python code for NLP workflow using a combination of topic modelling and sentiment analysis
- Tools, languages and libraries: Python (SciKit-Learn, NLTK, Top2Vec)
- Grade: 10 (feedback: instead of comparing a variety of NLP techniques, we should just have fine-tuned our BERT model instead)
- Authors: Daniel Pedersen, Mads Hvidberg, Michel Meyer, Tim Becker
Course Name: Visual Analytics (CDSCO1003E)
Project Title: Web Scraping for Automated Market Analysis - Leveraging Google Maps for Decision-Making in the Nordic Hotel Market
- Deliverable: Tableau dashboard based on data scraped from Google maps
- Tools, languages and libraries: Tableau, Python (Beautiful Soup, Selenium, Pandas), Alteryx
- Grade: 12
- Authors: Mads Hvidberg, Michel Meyer, Nikolaj Petersson, Tim Becker