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some useful tools for tendermint blockstore.db or state.db


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There are 2 tools for tendermint data:

  • tm-migrator: migrate tendermint data from v0.7.3 to v0.10.0
  • tm-viewer: view tendermint data in blockstore.db or state.db


Usage: tm_migrator -old tmroot -new tmroot -priv priv_dir [-s startHeight]

	-old tmroot: dir of old tendermint root
	-new tmroot: dir of new tendermint root to store converted data
	-priv priv_dir: dir to place other validators's old `priv_validator.json`
	-s startHeight: from which height to convert tendermint data, default is `1`

Q: Why need priv arg?

A: A blockchain may consistes of one or more nodes. For every block, each node will verify SeenCommit and Commit which was produced by all validators before adding to blockchain. While SeenCommit and Commit were signed by validator, without other validators' priv_validator.json config info, this validaotr cannot reconstruct SeenCommit and Commit infos of the block.


Usage: $ tm_view -db /path/of/db [-a get|getall|block] [-q key] [-d] [-v new|old] [-t height]

// -db : db,Note: the db path cannot end with "/"
// [-a get|getall|block]: read the value of a key | output all keyes | read block info
// [-q key] :key format, please see following "Tendermint data" section
// [-d]: whether decode value,default is "false"
// [-v new|old] :new(0.10.0), old(0.7.3), default is "new"
// [-t height]: block height,workes with "-a block" arg to read block info at height "N"

$ tm_view -db /path/of/blockstore.db -a getall 
$ tm_view -db /path/of/blockstore.db -a block -t 1 -d 
$ tm_view -db /path/of/blockstore.db -q "H:1" -d -v old 
$ tm_view -db /path/of/state.db -q "stateKey" -d -v old 

Tendermint data

In tendermint root dir(by default, is ~/.tendermint), tendermint data is placed in its subdir data/blockstore.db or data/state.db.

Allen@MacBook-Pro:~ ls -l ~/.tendermint.v0.10.0/data/
drwxr-xr-x  8 Allen  staff  272 Oct 15 20:23 blockstore.db
drwx------  3 Allen  staff  102 Oct 15 20:23 cs.wal
drwx------  3 Allen  staff  102 Oct 15 20:23 mempool.wal
drwxr-xr-x  8 Allen  staff  272 Oct 15 20:23 state.db
drwxr-xr-x  7 Allen  staff  238 Oct 15 20:23 tx_index.db
Allen@MacBook-Pro:~ ls -l ~/.tendermint.v0.7.3/data/
drwxr-xr-x   8 Allen  staff     272 Oct 15 20:22 blockstore.db
-rw-------   1 Allen  staff  829784 Oct 15 20:12 cswal
-rw-------   1 Allen  staff       3 Oct 15 20:10 mempool_wal
drwxr-xr-x  10 Allen  staff     340 Oct 15 20:22 state.db

state.db is used to store state info, the leveldb keyes are:

  • "stateKey"
  • "abciResponsesKey"(v0.10.0 only)

blockStore.db is used to store block info, the leveldb keyes are(assuming the blockchain height is 32):

  • "blockStore": blockchain height info. {"Height":32}
  • "H:1" ... "H:32": block meta info,
  • "P:1:0" ... "P:32:0": block part info. Block may be sliced to several parts, for each part, the key is "P:{height}:{partIndex}", partIndex start from 0.
  • "SC:1" ... "SC:32": block seen commit info.
  • "C:0" ... "C:31": block commit info.
key format value type examples
stateKey raw byte of state
abciResponsesKey raw byte of ABCI Responses
blockStore raw json "blockStore": {"Height":32}
H:{height} raw byte of block meta H:1
P:{height}:{index} raw byte of block part P:1:0, P:32:0, P:32:1
SC:{height} raw byte of block seen commit SC:1, SC:32
C:{height-1} raw byte of block commit C:0, SC:31

Tendermint Data Struct Differences

Commit & SeenCommit

// v0.10.0
type Commit struct {
    // NOTE: The Precommits are in order of address to preserve the bonded ValidatorSet order.
    // Any peer with a block can gossip precommits by index with a peer without recalculating the
    // active ValidatorSet.
    BlockID    BlockID `json:"blockID"`
    Precommits []*Vote `json:"precommits"`

    // Volatile
    firstPrecommit *Vote
    hash           data.Bytes
    bitArray       *BitArray
// v0.7.3
type Commit struct {
	// NOTE: The Precommits are in order of address to preserve the bonded ValidatorSet order.
	// Any peer with a block can gossip precommits by index with a peer without recalculating the
	// active ValidatorSet.
	Precommits []*Vote `json:"precommits"`

	// Volatile
	firstPrecommit *Vote
	hash           []byte
	bitArray       *BitArray


// v0.10.0
type BlockMeta struct {
    BlockID BlockID `json:"block_id"` // the block hash and partsethash
    Header  *Header `json:"header"`   // The block's Header

type BlockID struct {
    Hash        data.Bytes    `json:"hash"`
    PartsHeader PartSetHeader `json:"parts"`
// v0.7.3
type BlockMeta struct {
	Hash        []byte        `json:"hash"`         // The block hash
	Header      *Header       `json:"header"`       // The block's Header
	PartsHeader PartSetHeader `json:"parts_header"` // The PartSetHeader, for transfer


// v0.10.0
type Part struct {
    Index int                `json:"index"`
    Bytes data.Bytes         `json:"bytes"`
    Proof merkle.SimpleProof `json:"proof"`

    // Cache
    hash []byte
// v0.7.3
type Part struct {
	Index int                `json:"index"`
	Bytes []byte             `json:"bytes"`
	Proof merkle.SimpleProof `json:"proof"`

	// Cache
	hash []byte


// v0.10.0
type Block struct {
    *Header    `json:"header"`
    *Data      `json:"data"`
    LastCommit *Commit `json:"last_commit"`
// v0.7.3
type Block struct {
    *Header    `json:"header"`
    *Data      `json:"data"`
    LastCommit *Commit `json:"last_commit"`


// v0.10.0
type State struct {
    // mtx for writing to db
    mtx sync.Mutex
    db  dbm.DB

    // should not change
    GenesisDoc *types.GenesisDoc
    ChainID    string

    // updated at end of SetBlockAndValidators
    LastBlockHeight int // Genesis state has this set to 0.  So, Block(H=0) does not exist.
    LastBlockID     types.BlockID
    LastBlockTime   time.Time
    Validators      *types.ValidatorSet
    LastValidators  *types.ValidatorSet // block.LastCommit validated against this

    // AppHash is updated after Commit
    AppHash []byte

    TxIndexer txindex.TxIndexer `json:"-"` // Transaction indexer.

    // Intermediate results from processing
    // Persisted separately from the state
    abciResponses *ABCIResponses

    logger log.Logger
// v0.7.3
type State struct {
	mtx             sync.Mutex
	db              dbm.DB
	GenesisDoc      *types.GenesisDoc
	ChainID         string
	LastBlockHeight int // Genesis state has this set to 0.  So, Block(H=0) does not exist.
	LastBlockHash   []byte
	LastBlockParts  types.PartSetHeader
	LastBlockTime   time.Time
	Validators      *types.ValidatorSet
	LastValidators  *types.ValidatorSet
	AppHash         []byte

Further Improvement

Wating To Be Done.


some useful tools for tendermint blockstore.db or state.db








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