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Jeremiah edited this page Nov 16, 2023 · 3 revisions


Table of Contents

  1. Equal
  2. Contains
  3. CompareFuncs


The default comparer used by trial, it is a wrapping for cmp.Equal with the AllowUnexported and EquateEmpty option set for all structs. This allows trial to check all fields (public and private) in a struct to be compared, and that an empty slice/map is the same as a nil slice/map. (see


Customize the use of cmp.Equal with options:

  • AllowAllUnexported - [default: Equal] compare all unexported (private) variables within a struct. This is useful when testing a struct inside its own package.
  • IgnoreAllUnexported - ignore all unexported (private) variables within a struct. This is useful when dealing with a struct outside the project.
  • IgnoreFields(fields ...string) - define a list of variables to exclude for the comparer, the field name are case sensitize and can be dot-delimited ("Field", "Parent.child")
  • EquateEmpty- [default: Equal] a nil map or slice is equal to an empty one (len is zero)
  • IgnoreTypes(values ...interface{}) - ignore all types of the values passed in. Ex: IgnoreTypes(int64(0), float32(0.0)) ignore int64 and float32
  • ApproxTime(d time.Duration) - approximates time values to to the nearest duration.
// example struct that is compared to expected
type Example struct {
  Field1     int
  Field2     int
  ignoreMe   string    // ignored unexported
  Timestamp  time.Time // ignored field
  LastUpdate time.Time // ignored field

trial.New(fn, cases).Comparer(


Checks if the expected value is contained in the actual value. The symbol ⊇ is used to donate a subset. ∈ is used to show that a value exists in a slice. Contains checks the following relationships

  • string ⊇ string
    • is the expected string contained in the actual string (strings.Contains)
  • string ⊇ []string
    • are the expected substrings contained in the actual string
  • []interface{} ⊇ interface{}
    • is the expected value found in the slice or array
  • []interface{} ⊇ []interface{}
    • is the expected slice a subset of the actual slice. all values in expected exist and are contained in actual.
  • map[key]interface{} ⊇ map[key]interface{}
    • is the expected map a subset of the actual map. all keys in expected are in actual and all values under that key are contained in actual


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