0.5.0 (2021-05-19)
Bug Fixes
- ci: dependent issues bot workflow has no job id #848 (af61202)
- cmd-api-server: no CLI args causes crash #794 (a285b96)
- connector-besu: network update only if present in keychain (8ac2444)
- connector-fabric: export IPluginLedgerConnectorFabricOptions (ada532e)
- connector-quorum: web3 Contract type usage (80c8253)
- connector-xdai: add missing hasTransactionFinality (cc4f3e1)
- deps: elliptic upgrade to >6.5.3 for CVE-2020-28498 (d75b9af)
- examples: supply chain backend bundle build RAM #766 (f5c5d82)
- test: eliminate CVE-2020-8203 in besu connector test pkg (6411933)
- tools: ci.sh retry mechanism no longer ignores last failure (b5e751e)
- tools: use latest fabric bootstrap.sh script for AIO image (b298b76)
- whitepaper: build fails on Ubuntu 18 due to glibc 2.29 #703 (ec22a0f)
- whitepaper: fix rendering (d64f3cd)
- keychain to registry, uuid dep, add back missing gas req parameter (4635d81)
- api-server: ability to install plugins at runtime #764 (8dda0f6)
- besu: add sequence diagram of run transaction endpoint (754a11a), closes #755
- cmd-api-server: container image definition (eb69fff)
- cmd-api-server: user defined type guard isHealthcheckResponse (16077d4)
- connector-besu: contract deployment with constructor arguments (48d67a7), closes #810
- connector-besu: contractAbi optional parameter (26cf7c2)
- connector-besu: dockerfile (7174004)
- connector-besu: replace invokeContractV2 (ecd62ea)
- connector-besu, connector-quorum: filesystem replaced by keychain (14d1790)
- connector-besu,connector-quorum: updated (985f12f)
- connector-fabric: containerize-fabric (b53b3a4)
- connector-fabric: contract deployment Fabric 2.x (139a8ed)
- connector-fabric: enrollAdmin() and createCaClient() (da1cb1b)
- connector-quorum: contractAbi optional parameter (c79d763)
- connector-xdai: add ledger connector plugin for xdai #852 (99399a3)
- corda: prometheus exporter metrics integration (9f37755), closes #535
- core: add plugin registry log level constructor arg (1652b33)
- core-api: decouple web service install & registration #771 (b50e148)
- core-api: hasTransactionFinality() on connector API #354 (a2d0582)
- test-tooling: add OpenEthereumTestLedger #851 (9ca1f68)
- adding additional info into err logs (888f85a), closes #295
- incorporating load testing into our CI pipeline (7125d10), closes #295
- core-api: jwt authorization #770 (2016750)
- fabric: add sequence diagram of run transaction endpoint (155cbab), closes #756
- test-tooling: add besu test ledger log level constructor arg (60ee32f), closes #780
- test-tooling: add keycloak container (f1abb3e)
- tools: add test-npm-registry contaimer image (19afe85)
- tools: fabric all-in-one 2.x add nodejs to image (dc09540)
Performance Improvements
- 🧨 Behaviour in a cloud environment is currently untested and could impact
CI pipeline time.