This repository contains the wrappers for the following libraries:
- Aries Askar:
- AnonCreds Rust:
- Indy VDR:
The wrappers are generated using UniFFI. UniFFI can generate several language bindings including Swift, Kotlin, and Python. Kotlin wrappers are generated with uniffi-kotlin-multiplatform-bindings.
The Swift wrappers are distributed as a Swift Package.
To use the wrappers in your project, add the following dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0"),
And add the following dependency to your target:
name: "MyTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "AriesAskar", package: "aries-uniffi-wrappers"),
.product(name: "AnonCreds", package: "aries-uniffi-wrappers"),
.product(name: "IndyVdr", package: "aries-uniffi-wrappers"),
Take a look at the tests in swift/Tests
directory for examples on how to use the wrappers.
The Kotlin wrappers are distributed as a Maven package hosted by GitHub Packages.
To add a github packages repository in a seperate project you will have to have a github token with read:packages
permissions. Then you will add the repository to your build.gradle.kts
like so:
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username = getExtraString("githubUsername")
password = getExtraString("githubToken")
Now you will add the libraries as a dependency in your build.gradle.kts
like so:
dependencies {
Take a look at the tests in kotlin/${library}/src/commonTest
for usage examples.
Pull requests are welcome! We enforce developer certificate of origin (DCO) commit signing. See guidance here.
Please see our Developer Guide for more information.
Aries uniffi wrappers are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.